chapter thirty five

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"Bree?" i groaned.

"miss me?!" she grinned wriggling her thick and perfect eye brows.

" but what the hecks going on?" i asked "is yinka here too?" i frowned waiting for her to pop out somewhere.

"babe, look at this dress though" she smiled gesturing to her dress, she wore a beautiful sleeveless lacey bodycon dress, that reached her knee's, sh had on aburgendy blazer with it and some red heels.

"where are you' off to? and wheres my mum?" i asked

"can you jam with the questions and just...enjoy the blissful moment?" she smiled

"what blissful moment, i could be sleeping and im here because" i asked

"its your tomorrow birthday you belend" she pocked my forehead then rolled her eyes dramatically.

"hann' so?" i asked

"aannnd!!....i asked your mumu to bring you here so that we can find something to wear!" she smiled

"bree, im not in the mood, im tired ! okay, nott doing anything for my birthday" i told her

"shut your trap and lets go," she dragged me out of the changing rooms to the actuall shop, she began picking and taking stuff for me to try on, asking for my oponion each time, at first i was sulking but by the end, i was enjoying it, bree had got this thought in my mind that i was turning 16, i should just go for it, be a new me, so, decided to dye my hair purple...not fully, just at the ends. at first i was going to choose green or yellow but i chose a preety colour. we brought the dye and then headed home, can you believe ma? when i text her for help she doesnt come to my rescue, but when bree calls her, she picks us up straight away....outrageous i know, i dont even know how they got eachothers numbers because it definetly was not me.

when we got home yinka was out apparently with mercy, to go shopping or something, i feel slightly jelous that she has a new best friend, but i dont know, i cant be a hypocrite, especially now ive taken bree back. so in the end i decided that she deserves it. we ate dinner, spagbowl and garlic bread. then i told ma about my dye, she doesnt mond what i do as long as it doesnt change who i am. so for the rest of the night , bree helped me with my hair and nails, then we put on face masks before heading to bed.


the next morning i woke up early since everything in the house was silent and the sun was bright, as i got out of bed to use the toilet, i glanced in the mirror at my new hair....then the thought hit officially 16 years OLD!... i watched my face in the mirror as my expression changed. oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh!!!! im 16 i grinned in between my happy "chicken" skank....what they heck will i do today, i thought...kissing my teeth, i shrugged and proceeded to the toilet seat before letting all my excess liquid out in full blast...i hate the feeling on your bowels being full to the point tha its painfully un comfortable.

i crossed the room, to the sink, washing my hands before heading out of the room. i looked around before heading to the kitchen noticing that bree was missing.


"AArrgh!" i screamed, grabbing my chest. i breathed heavily counting and in my brain telling my sef that im not dead.

"sorry...did i scare you?" aunty sounded worried, i was tempted to say something sarcastic but i noticed ma and yinka staring, almost watching to see what happens next.

"yeah" i laughed "its alright though"

"you sure?" she asked

"yep!." i grinned "wheres bree?" i asked "shes not in my room"

ma looked up "she's had to go home since you wouldnt wake up"

i frowned "wait, what time is it?" i asked

"to three" ma smiled, my eyes wideded

"i-i-thought was early today?" i sulked

"well you arent, bree was the first to wake up, she seemed upset, almost in a hurry" ma frowned then looked up at me

"really?" i asked an they all nodded, what could have possibly happened to her "i'll call her"

"NO!" they all chorused making me jump

"wh-what?" i asked

"no, i meant, go and see her instead, you and yinka should, we'll drive you there so eat up and get ready" ma smiled

"bree said you should wear your birthday outfit, apparently you promised her" yinka shrugged

i sighed in fristration..."why didnt she wake me up?...what happened, what did she say exactly?" i asked

"they all shrugged turning to their food.

"just eat, get ready then go and see her, alright" aunty patted my shoulder as i nodded "good girl"

i smiled then sat down with a sigh before grabbing a plate of food.

"rosey called today" ma announced, i chocked on my bacon...

"really?" i asked in excitement "what did she say?"

"she said to say hi" ma spoke dully, i felt a little dissapointed when i heard ma chuckle i frowned

"im joking,, she said to say happy birthday" ma smiled and for the rest of the lunch, we were in conversation of how rosey was a hard shell to crack, yet a softy inside,

i got in the shower a half three, i felt like i needed to know what was wrong with my friend. i got dressed in the outsit she picked for me. a purple/lavender boob tube, white skirt and brown heels. i had on a brown bazer aswell that i would wear if i needed to...yinka looked too nice today, she was wearing a short long sleeved body con dress in black with tan heels and a black/silver glittery clutch. a bit too drove me and yinka to bree's house, outside there were alot of cars that i wondered if someone had died, yinka was wearing black too so something was suspicious. we got out of the car and ma and aunty drove away. i neared bree's house and it was silent which scared me alot. i turned to yinka who was frowning but nodded for me to open the door..i nicked on the door but noticed that it was open, frowning i turned to yinka again who ushered to open the door...

i sighed and pushed the door, stepping in into the house....

"hello?" i blinked "why is it so dark" i wishpered to yinka who suddenly wasn't there "yinka?!" i hissed. taking steps into the living room i tripped on the sofa, my toes stinging like theres no tomorrow...

"oh wow, of frick...Oww.." i hissed in pain...suddenly i heard someone giggle turning around i squinted in the darkness

"yinka this isnt funny!" i growled



IT all happened at once, the voices, the party poppers.and then the singing of happy birthday....

Gevone, tabitha, Dom ,janice,Ty, yinka,julian,mercy,dylan,bree,teeyah, david...was everyone here?

"what!-who?...what?" i stuttered after everyone was done singing...a surprise party?


this is rushed... and i apologise, i just wanted to get it out. :/, next chapter is in mercys POV so stay tuned xx

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