chapter seven║ (●) ♫¬.¬♪♪

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 watch theinteresting music  vid on the side... b4 reading, u'll gt a more understandin' -------------------->


"what do you s'pose is going on?" yinka looked at me while munching on some of my dorito's i'd got for us...believe it or not , it took ages to get her to have even one, i swear...theres something she wasnt telling me...something to do with eating.

i shrugged.

she singhed for the hundreth time since we got on the bus...i have to admit, i was much wondering what's up with Ma's message, she obviously messaged me because i'd deffinetly go home...if she called, i'd have asked what was going on...musta been sumthing important.

"you got a drink...heart burn" yinka thumped her chest.

"He he...Calm down love" i laughed and took out my KA can and flavoured water i'd gotten for her.

"you know me well sister" yinka opened the bottle and gulped down the drink.

while she drunk her brains out, i found the lyberty to look round...the top deck was always filled with black people in the back... and i mean always...most were attractive, wearing the same type of stlyed clothing...nice fresh creps, yummy shapeups and earing in one ear, they were talking lowly amongst them selves...i didnt realise that they were looking back till i heard yinka's loud 'GULP'

"yinka...!you best stop drinking like a camel or sum..." i snatched the bottle.

her eyes went wide, then i gave her a little signal to look back...i didnt want to draw attention, or even know those boy's but i had a feeling we already had.

"OOH!...nutty chocolates!" yinka's form of swearing..

"uh huh" i nodded...then jumped when my phone buzzed...* ping!

miss you already B

aww!...i thought...miss you too Dom, littelary.

me too (heart)*

i suddenly forgot those very good looking boy's and thought only about did it happen?, i mean me? a boyfriend?!...and why did it have to be will i tell Ma? 

"stop day dreaming Bee..its our stop" yinka mumbled as we ducked down stairs and got off buss...then as we walked by it, the boys were knocking on the window and giving us nod's...was it me? or where they more brave to talk now that we were off the bus...what a load of v-jay jay's.

"come's waiting" i pulled yinka as we made our way through the normal way when were out off school...we walked on the other side of the corner shop...and just looking at it gave me chill's...what happened to that stalker?

i shook my head and looked at yinka who'd been singing some chinise song...i could only understand the words, 

im so hot

im so fine

im so cool

im so so so hot hot...

thats it..., it sounded wierdly funky...and her voice was so cute!.

"what the hell is that?" i asked

"uh?...oh, wonder girls..." she smiled widely...she musta've been happy to sing something from her counrty again.

"is it chi-"

"its korean...i'm korean you know...and we done always look alike" she pointed out...i thought they kinda did before i met yinka " its like saying i looked like lucy lu" 

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