If I'm being honest, I kind of secluded myself from a lot of things 'wedding' related. I tried my best to get it off my mind but no matter how hard I tried, it was happening. It is happening.

"It's time to start getting you ready." Dianne ushers me to sit as various women I don't know, circle me.

To spare you the details, I've spent hours on that chair. It's because of my hair, it's too long and took hours to style. As for makeup, they kept it to a minimum all while enhancing my features, they focused on my eyes and my lips. My hair was styled in a beautiful updo with little white flowers in it.

After that, it was time for the dress. I stood in front of the body mirror as Stella made it her mission to tightlace the corset I'm to wear under my dress. She tied it tight, it tightened around my waist, making it slimmer. It also pushed my breasts together, making them bulge out of it a bit. This is so uncomfortable.

"Have you packed?" Stella breaks the silence  as she continues to lace the corset as tightly as she can.

"For what?"

"For you honeymoon, silly." She chuckles, shaking her head as I stare at her through the mirror. I'm supposed to pack?

"No?" I admit and she scoffs.

"I've been told you're leaving tonight, to a location I helped choose because I know you so well." She arrogantly primps as I roll my eyes playfully. No one told me about this. "Don't worry, I'll do it for you after the ceremony. No one will even notice I'm gone." She states, finishing up and stepping back to survey me.

"You look so beautiful." She compliments, rubbing her hands up and down my shoulder. If only I felt as good as I look. "You're going to make the most gorgeous bride." She adds and I hum in a pretend smile. A knock on the door makes Stella let go of me and walk over to the door, opening it.

"How are we doing so far?" Dianne tip toes to the room with a smile on her face. "Ah, Aurora. You look breathtaking, my dear." She gasps, her eyes landing on me and dragging up and down my body. I'm stood with nothing but a white corset and white lace panties. I'm getting slightly embarassed and I just want to cover myself.

"T-Thank you." I stutter, covering myself with my arms.

"I wanted to give you this." She says, handing me a white lace band that looks like a hair tie. I look at it confused, what am I supposed to do with it?

"It's a garter, it goes around your leg. Put it on then you can wear your dress." She informs me, noticing my confusion. I nod amd take it from her. I actually never heard of a garter in weddings, what do they do with it? Is it some kind of ritual that I don't know about?

Dianne then exits, calling Aylina to get the dress. I slide the garter up my leg and then look up at Stella. "Stella?" I look at her and she hums in response. "Why am I supposed to wear this?" I question, pointing down to my leg. Maybe she knows something about this. She looks at me and laughs. Why do people keep laughing at my questions?

"Silly, it's a wedding tradition, not necessarily everyone does it but I guess your mother in law is old-fashioned." She informs me, alleviating some of my curiosity. "Your groom is going to take it off with his teeth at the end of the ceremony." She adds and I choke on air. What? I did not sign up for this. Abort, abort.

"B-But, in front of everyone?" I manage to get out, my throat suddenly dry. The thought alone makes me embarassed.

"Yes, now let's get you in your dress." She suggests and I gulp. This is a disaster of epic proportions.

After a while, I finally got ready and put my dress on. It's a sleeveless princess gown with a sweetheart neckline. It's very lacy and beautiful. Dianne and Aylina had it custom made.

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