Chapter 48

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"Ladies and gentlemen, you have 2 hours to complete this exam. Good luck to all of you. Your time starts now." The exam invigilator stated from the front of the exam hall. Simultaneously, everyone opened their exam booklets and began writing in their details.

Name, candidate number, centre number, date, exam subject, etc.

For this English exam, we had two books. We had to explain what the stories were about, the hidden meanings behind the author's words and describe the differences and similarities between the two books.

I began to write. My thoughts flowing out of my hand as I kept flicking through pages of each book. My hand began to ache as I scribbled my essay onto the paper, 4 pages down already and I was no where near slowing.

"10 minutes left." I gulped and began to write my conclusion. This would wrap up my essay on a neat ending, and also tie any loose ends to my answer if there were any. Once I'd finished, I gave a quick proof read in my 2 minutes to spare to make sure everything made sense and I'd made no spelling mistakes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your time is up. Please put down your pen and paper and we will come to collect your papers." The invigilator said. A sigh of relief escaped the lips of everyone sat down. I put my pen down and leant back in my chair.

3 staff members went round and collected all the papers and dismissed one row at a time.

My row got it's turn and I quickly left the exam hall. It was a horrible, sweaty spring day. The windows were slightly cracked but it didn't help too much.

"Oh am I glad that's over. I never want to read a book again!" Phoebe exclaimed.

"Calm down can-do kid, we've still got 2 more English exams to do, not to mention our 10 other subjects." At this, Phoebe let out a frustrated groan.

Throughout the next few weeks, my exams were coming up quickly and I was starting to worry.

"What if I have a mind blank in the middle of the test and can't remember anything?" I vented my thoughts to Lucas, who was awkwardly sat on his chair in the cafeteria.

"Christie, you'll be fine. You're good at every subject, I know you'll do well." He reassured me. I nodded, but it didn't settle the butterflies in my stomach. My second exam, Maths. Not my strongest subject but I was still ok.

The bell rang, making my heart jump out of my ribcage.

"Good luck." Lucas kissed my cheek. That's all it took for me to settle down, and soon I was in the exam hall and starting my exam, nerves completely disappeared.

Question 1

Hannah has a bag of 10 sweets. 2 are blue, 4 are green and the rest are red. Calculate the probability of Hannah picking a blue sweet.

What is this? 10 year old me could do this.

As the exam paper progressed the questions started getting harder. I finished the last question, and went back through my paper to check over my answers.

"You have 10 minutes left." The invigilator said. For those 10 minutes, which felt like an hour to me, I sat in silence and watched the other students scribble down their answers. Some put down their pens shortly after me while others wrote up until our time was finished.

I knew the drill now. The invigilators came round to collect our exams, and one row at a time released.

"Oh my god! That was so hard! What did you get for question one? Ooh, and what did you get for question 5, you know with the graph thingie? Oh oh! And question 12, the algebra one? I think I put the wrong answer. Oh my god Christie what if I fail?! I'm going to be stuck in college for the rest of my life!" Phoebe grabbed me and ranted as we left the exam hall and back to our form room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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