Chapter 27

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Lucas as Cameron, I really wanna be Christie now so I can get a piece of that ♡♡♡


Its been about two days since I confessed my feelings to Lucas, and he liked me too.

I'd been over to moon as figured. Aaron hit it off with Lori as well and they started dating. Cuties.

School started again in a few days which I wasn't really looking forward too, I had exams coming up which I was dreading. I sucked at every living subject.

My phone blasted some music from the docking station as I tried to figure out these maths problems. I don't understand when I'm ever going to use this.

Hello can I take your order?

Yeah I'll have a 10x - 15y to the power of 3 and the square route of 49, and a happy meal.

Yeah, no.

I sighed and shut my maths book, I shouldn't be doing this in my free time. I should be stalking people on instagram because I'm weird like that. I grabbed my laptop and powered it up and logging into Facebook to see whats going down. There was the usual boring feeds, I liked a couple of statuses and pictures before I stalked my boyfriend.

Whoa Christie slow down you're not dating yet.

Well in my brain we are so...

I sound so phsyco right now.

I click on Lucas' profile and saw he changed his cover photo to the group selfie we took at the bonfire. There was me and Phoebe, and next to me was Chase who was pulling the hottest face ever (note sarcasm) and all the others behind. Lucas was next to Chase and he was smiling. I took time to notice his dimples and how shiny his hair was and how his eyes sparkled and-

"Christie! Dinner!" Liz shouted up the stairs which made me jump as I had been in my own little world. I logged out of Facebook after I liked the picture, it was cute. I trudged downstairs and saw noodles and rice layed out on the table, my favourite.

After dinner I fed Tuna and Quirky before going back upstairs and trying to finish my maths homework which was due in for tomorrow. I mean, it wasn't really that hard I just couldn't be bothered. I lazily attempted the questions before showering and getting into my bunny pyjamas. They were awesome. I heard Aaron shout a 'goodnight' as he passed my door which I return before finally falling asleep.


"Christie I think I've caught the bug." Lilly said to me at lunch. I stopped eating and look at her confused.

"The bug?" I questioned her.

"Yes." She looked around the cafeteria warily before leaning into me "the lovebug."

I snort on my sandwich and began choking, which you can probably imagine isn't attractive at all.

"Sorry mate you're gonna have to go see Dr. Cupid for that one." I said and laugh again. Lilly scowled at me and shoved some oreos in her mouth.

"I'm serious Christie! I don't know what to do!" She whined and I once remember I was in this situation. Well I still am.

"Okay who is it?" I ask boredly and munch into my sandwich.

"It's one of the teachers." I stop eating and look at her before bursting into laughter again. "Okay! He's not a teacher but he's old but thats okay I dig older men." She said with a wink.

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