Chapter 33

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When I walked into school that morning I did not expect everyone to go quite and watch my every move like a hawk as I trudded down the hallway.

I self consciously fixed my hair and looked down at my clothes. Everything appeared normal to me, so what was everyone staring at?

Dumping my books at my locker, I turned around and thumped straight into a body.

"Oh my god Christie!" Phoebe whisper yelled. She quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me to the nearest toilet. I had no chance to ask what was happening as she shoved me through the door into the toilets.

"It's so bad Christie, I've only been here about 10 minutes longer than you and I can't stand it! Everyone's making stuff up, twisting the truth, when they don't actually know what happened! I don't know where people get these assumptions from! They really need to get their head out their asses and-"

"Phoebe! Chill!" I slapped my hand over her mouth to stop her word diarrhoea. She was breathing rapidly and was slightly out of breath, in all she looked terrified.

"Just calm down and tell me what's happening, you're scaring me." I admitted and took my hand off her mouth.

She took a big breath and exhaled before explaining.

"So what I've heard so far is that me you, and Lilly all had it in for Sadie due to the bullying and decided to 'teach her a lesson', apparently you wanted to kill her but Lilly stepped in to stop you and that's how she got the cut on her neck! Some have also gone as far go say you have killed Sadie because she's not here!" Phoebe exasperated, hands flailing everywhere.

"Oh c'mon Phoebe, just ignore them. They don't bother to find out the truth so don't give them the satisfaction of their rumours tormenting you." I rolled my eyes, high school kids would honestly eat up any gossip thrown their way.

Phoebe looked unsure and nodded. The bell for form room went, we waited a few seconds and cautiously poked our head through the bathroom door. There was hardly any students left so we hightailed it to the classroom together, ignoring the stares as we walked through the door and sat near the back.

Today was going to be one eventful day.


"So you're sure you're ok?" Lucas asked me for the 5th time. I shut my locker door and turned to him. He was frowning, his brown hair was messy, as if he'd been running his fingers through it continuously.

"Yes, I'm fine." I rolled my eyes but I really did appreciate his concern. Even through I told him over the phone I explained to him in every detail what happened and I missed nothing out. He stuck by me all day and even told people off who were staring.

"Ok well, if you wanna hide while I grab us lunch you can." He smirked and I laughed.

"No thank you, I like hearing stories of Christie the murderer." I looped my arm through his and we walked into the canteen together. The chatter abruptly stopped, I felt uneasy but played it cool as I sat down at the table where Phoebe, Lilly, Chase and George were.

"Where's Aaron?" I asked George as I sat down.

He shrugged "detention." At that moment my phone pinged and I saw it was a text from Aaron.

"Speak of the devil"

Aaron: hey not going to be at lunch got detention :(

Me: you horrible person what did you do this time

Aaron: hey at least I didn't murder somebody! ;) But my assignment was overdue by like 10 minutes

I laughed, an overdue assignment in Aaron's perspective wasn't 10 minutes, more like 10 days.

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