Chapter 5

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I'm going to try and make this a longer chapter because the others are really short lolz. Ask for different peoples POV or stuff heh. Remember to vote comment and follow me :) follows returned!


It was 11 o'clock and I was at the library working my shift on a Saturday morning. The sun was shining and the birds were tweeting. What a perfect day.

The kids, teenagers, adults and elders looked happy and content while they searched through the stacks of books, CD's and DVD's.

A young mother was walking towards my till with a cute little girl by her side.

"Hello, nice day isn't it," I said while she handed me three books she'd like to take out. I looked out the window and saw families walking past. I just wished I still had that.

"It is, we're going to the park after this. She has too much energy!" she exclaimed while pointing down to the bouncing toddler.

"They all do. That's 5 pounds please but if you have a club card it's 10 percent off all rents." I said automatically and robotically.

After I had served a few more customers with returns and take outs I closed my till and went for my lunch break. I wanted to tell Mrs Holland about Aaron today.

Entering the store cupboard I saw my boss sitting in a comfy arm chair with Twinkie by her feet.

"Hello dear, I was just about to come and look for you but you're here." she said as I wandered over to her.

"Hi, I wanted to talk to you. Privately." swivelling my head like an owl I noticed a few other workers in here. I didn't talk to any of them really so they didn't need to know about my life.

"Sure. We'll take Twinkie to the park and talk then."

We arrived at the park in under 10 minutes. It wasn't a far walk but Mrs Holland being elderly had to take it slow.

I sat on a glossy bench surrounded by daffodils and daisies with my boss by my side. I let Twinkie off the lead and turned to Mrs Holland with a probably crazy look on my face.

"I have a brother! he's called Aaron!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Oh that's wonderful darling! I knew it somewhere!" She laughed and hugged me.

I told her about Aaron and how when I first met him his indigo eyes had been the same colour as mine. That's how we made connections. I told her about his family, George, Katy and Nicki. I was telling her about Sadie when my ring tone blasted through.

Honest baby I'll do, anything you want to, 

So lets get up, lets get on it, 

Don't you leave me brokenhearted tonight.  

Come on, that's right, cheerio!

Brokenhearted, just like me.

I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Aaron's number.

"Hey bro," I smiled cheekily.

"Hey sis," he mimicked.

"Are you okay?"

"Erm well not really. I kind of need your help." he sounded irritated.

"Sure what do you need?"

"Well my car's broke down and I'm stuck waiting for hours. Mum and dad are going out at 1 and I'm meant to be there to look after the kids, do you mind?" he asked softly.

"Er one sec," I said and put the phone away from my ear to ask Mrs Holland.

"It's fine dear." she said warmly. I smiled, thanked her and put the phone back to my ear.

"Sure thing! Will you be okay?" I was concerned.

"Yeh the RAC are coming to me at 3. I'll see you later hopefully! Just go to my house and explain to my parents they'll understand!" he hollered through the phone before the line went dead.

"Thanks Mrs Holland! I'll work extra time tomorrow!" I shouted over my shoulder as I started jogging down the road to my brother's mansion.

When I arrived I rang the doorbell and soon after Liz was stood there gesturing for me to come in.

"Aaron called me and said you were going out at one, his car broke down so I'm doing the favour of babysitting. Is that okay?" I asked.

"Yes that's great! Thanks for coming Christie!" she said and wrapped me in a hug.

Once I told her about Aaron and the RAC and being told to have some lunch along with the kids I found Katy and Nicki upstairs playing 'horses'.

"Hey girls, I'm going to be babysitting you. Your brother is held up at the minute." after I explained their faces went from confused to relaxed and happy.

"Yay Christie! Can you do my hair again please!" Nicki asked while giving me the best puppy dog eye look. I couldn't resist.

"Yes but let's get some lunch first. Is George home?" I asked

"I'm here!" a voice shouted from downstairs. God that kid had good hearing.

"Right well I'll make you some lunch. What do you want?" I asked while retreating to the stairs.

"Pizza!" the girls shouted. I chuckled to myself. Once I'd reached the bottom of the stairs I popped my head round the living room door and saw George and his friend playing some game with lots of shooting and cars. It did look fun.

"George and... Friend, we're ordering pizza. What type do you want?"

"Cheese and tomato!" 

"Pepperoni meat feast!"

"Woah, well if I order two 12 inch then you can..." I trailed off when I saw the guys smirking at me. I stared blankly back at them. I knew what they were thinking.

"Dirty boys." I muttered under my breath and grabbed the phone.

Once the pizza had been ordered, delivered and eaten we decided to go on the Xbox. I had a go at the game the guys were playing, and beat them a few times. They was pretty pissed to have been beaten by a girl.

We were in the middle of Mario Kart on the Wii when the doorbell went. Sighing I handed my steering wheel over to Katy and wandered over to the door.

The wooden door swung open with my force and I stood facing Sadie and two girls I didn't recognize.

"Can I help you?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Is my boyfriend here instead if this skank?" she tried to walk in the house but I blocked her entrance with my arm.

"Firstly if you're on about Aaron, he's not your boyfriend, secondly, don't try to walk in a strangers house and thirdly," I said taking a threatening step towards her

"Don't call me a skank."

I tried to use my height to intimidate her but it didn't work. Seriously this girl was like an umpa lumpa except she wasn't fat.

She just scoffed in my face and turned around.

"Come on girlies. We don't want to catch anything contagious from the skank." she sneered. The two girls looked at me apologetically muttering a quick 'sorry' and trotting off after their leader.

I just rolled my eyes and returned inside. The kids looked up at my entrance and smiled. At least I had friends and family now. That's all I want.

Brokenhearted Girl (Continuing & Editing)Where stories live. Discover now