Chapter 2

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

Groaning, I rolled over on my little mattress and thwacked the top of my alarm clock until it stopped the ear-piercing noise. Finally after many failed attempts it stopped beeping. Pushing my blankets aside I stood up and stretched, sounding like a baby dinosaur. I wandered over to my little draw of clothes and pulled out a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a baggy t-shirt along with a battered hoodie. Jogging into the kitchen I got myself an apple and a glass of orange juice.

After I had finished my mini breakfast I proceeded to brush my teeth and brush my hair. I decided to go with a high ponytail and let my side fringe fall slightly over my left eye. I placed my books in my bag and pulled on my trainers. Then my walk to school began.

I arrived at school, early as always. Doing my normal routine; locker, dump books I didn't need then go to form room. Hopefully today I wouldn't walk into anyone else.

I opened to door to the classroom and a few people's heads swiveled to the door. When they realized it was only me, the invisible, good for nothing nerd, they returned to their conversations with their friends.  

Friends. I needed some friends.

I took my normal desk at the front of the room. I got out my sketch pad and decided to draw because I had nothing else to do. Just as I was getting into the rhythm of drawing, I felt a presence by my side. Slowly lifting my head I saw one of the jocks on the football team.

"Hey Cynthia, have you done the chemistry homework?" he asked

Lazily I nodded and retrieved it from my bag. People only talk to me if they want something. He started copying my homework, making a few lazy mistakes.

"Thanks chick." he smirked and winked once he had finished. I scoffed, I didn't even know his name. Jake, Josh? I dont know.


It was soon lunchtime and the cafeteria was busy as always. I squished in between people trying to get to the lunch queue. After a good time I managed to get myself some lunch and left the others to fend for themselves like me. Poor souls. I made my was over to my table to get some peace but alas! No such luck as my new best friend appeared by my side.

"Hey Christie! Mind if I sit with you?" Aaron asked chirpily.

"If you must." I grumbled.

"Aw don't be down," he faked a pout. "I have a game we can play!"

"And what would this game be?" I inquired.

"20 questions," oh okay.

"Shoot." I replied lazily.

"What's your surname?"

"Harris, why?" I raised an eyebrow.

He hesitated until he finally said "No reason."

"What do you have an inkling about?" I asked. He just raised an eyebrow. "Secret, Shh."

"What was your dad called?"

"Wil-- wait, was?" he was getting creepy now.

"Was what?"

"You said what was my dad called. Not what is my dad called." I explained.

"Er.. What was, what is. Same thing." he laughed nervously. Very nervously. Hmm.

"Right. Well- ooh is that the time? I must be going." I said tapping my bare wrist. I needed to get away from this creep.

"But its only 12:45! Next lesson doesn't start till 1!" he shouted after me.  

But I just kept on going without a second glance.



You might be finding this book a bit weird or boring but trust me! There's a reason behind Aaron being weird and asking Christie lots of questions so just hold on tight!;) please tell me if you think I should give her a friend. She's a bit lonely haha.

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