Chapter 43

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Visiting Mrs Holland became a routine of mine. Every day after school I'd be down at the hospital for a while just talking about anything, but mostly the library and the gold.

Twinkie looked up at me excitedly from the passenger footwell in Aaron's car, his tongue stuck out and he wagged his tail excitedly.

"Guess who we're going to see!" I said excitedly. His tail wagging got more frantic and he let out an excited yap.

"I swear you love that dog more than me." Aaron harrumphed and I smiled cheekily at him.

Aaron pulled up into the car park and together we tried to secure Twinkie within my coat. Luckily it was cold out so I could wear lots of layers and just look fat instead of pregnant.

"Will this work?" I began to doubt the plan, as I looked down at Twinkie's little patchy head before he got zipped up.

"I hope." My pockets were quite large, so I was able to support Twinkie while still looking casual.

We walked into the hospital, the warm air hitting me and soon I was desperate to take off a layer.

Luckily, without any obstructions, we made it to Mrs Holland's room.

"Hey Christie, Aaron." She greeted us with a smile as we walked in.

"You're forgetting someone." I smiled and unzipped my coat where Twinkie jumped out, spotted his owner and furiously jumped on her lap.

"Oh my baby! I've missed you." She laughed as the little dog quickly wagged his tail and licked Mrs Holland's face.

"How did you sneak him in?" She chuckled and hugged her little dog.

"Quite easy, I guess they know we're regulars and just let us in." I shrugged and stroked Twinkie as he curled up in a bundle on his owner's lap.

"How are things going at the library."

"Things are great. I've sorted out the work schedule for a while so I've got everything there covered, some new books are on the way which have been requested by customers, everything's going smoothly and everyone sends you their regards." I said and she nodded.

"Thank you Christie, I really don't know where I'd be without you." She smiled.

"Alright don't inflate her too much she won't be able to get out the door." Aaron laughed and tapped my head referring to my growing ego.

"Anyway, I have some exciting news for you." Mrs Holland started. Aaron and I looked at each other excitedly and sat down in the chairs.

"So, I've been talking to David, and he's said he can get a team together who can mine the gold for us and send it off to be made into ingots." She smiled.

"Oh wow! That's amazing? When are they going to start?"

"If everything goes smoothly, the beginning of next week, at the very latest the week after. It'll take them a while, a few months maybe, but thank god we have upgraded technology than 100 years ago otherwise it could take them years!" Mrs Holland exclaimed with a chuckle.

"And how are you doing?" I asked. Mrs Holland was not quiet about her troubles, she was open to me and Mel about the possibilities of what could happen, and we assured her that we accepted it, but each time she mentioned anything, Mel and I would share the same look of discomfort and sadness, often changing the subject quickly.

"I'm doing quite fine dear, you don't have to worry about me." She smiled. It was her usual answer, maybe to protect us or maybe she believed that everything was fine.

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