Chapter 37

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Phoebe and I were in the school library that lunchtime studying.

Or trying to do some studying.

See, I had Chase and Lucas to my right bickering about some game and which console was better. To my left I had Lilly and Sapphire talking about some shade of lipstick or nail polish or something. And in front of me, Fiona was listening to her iPod whilst mouthing along to the words, except she wasn't mouthing along, she was unintentionally screeching the words out.

"Could this get any worse?" Phoebe grumbled to me. I put my head down and tried to focus on the jumbled letters and numbers of algebra in front of me.

"Excuse me! Can you be quiet!" The old librarian screeched down at Lucas and Chase. They apologised and silenced. Lucas caught my eye and sent me a cheeky wink. I rolled my eyes but couldn't fight the smile that tugged at my lips.

Fiona skipped a song to a heavy metal tune and started headbanging along. Phoebe giggled at her and started to headbang too.

"Stop it." I giggled and pushed her over. She was laughing so hard that she lost balance and fell into Lilly, who was painting her nails in a blue shade. The bottle of polish fell over and splashed all over the table, droplets landing on Fiona's iPod, mine and Phoebe's books and Lucas and Chase's papers.

"Phoebe!!" Lilly and Sapphire screeched at the same time as the blue liquid pooled in the centre of the table.

I noticed from the corner of my eye the librarian look up and send us a scrutinizing glare. I quickly grabbed some of Lucas' spare paper and covered up the mess.

"If I have to tell you guys one more time to be quiet, you're all banned for the rest of the term!" He turned his back on us and slowly paced back over to the front desk.

"Surely he must be retired now, he looks about 92!" Phoebe whispered.

"You, clean this up." Lilly whispered harshly and pointed to Phoebe, who mocked innocence.

"Me? But I didn't do anything!" She hushed back. Sapphire looked at the blue mess, as if she was about the cry.

Fiona was still headbanging, oblivious to the destruction going on around her.

"Hey guys." Harry pulled a chair out next to Fiona. She almost jumped out her skin as he took her by surprise.

"Shhh!" Lilly put a finger to her lips.

"Why what's up?" Harry shrugged and slammed his bag down on the table. He tucked in his chair which made a loud screech. We shushed once more which he seemed oblivious to. He plucked out one of Fiona's earphones, the music projecting loudly through the little speaker.

"We're gonna get-"

Too late.

"RIGHT! The lot of you out, now!" In a split second, all our books were packed away in our bags and we were fleeing from the scene as if the room had just been invaded by aliens.

The heavy doors swung open with such force they smacked against the side of the building and sprang backwards towards closure, with just enough space for us all to get through.

We carried on running through the courtyard for a few more yards before stopping and gaining our breath.

"That was wild!" Chase said while panting. His green eyes held a glinting mischevious twinkle to them.

Lucas came up on my right and picked up my bag which I'd dropped on the floor.

"You alright?" He asked still grinning with exhilaration and handed me my bag. I took it from his out stretched hand and nodded.

"That was hilarious." I grinned back.

The rest of us headed to the cafeteria to finish eating our lunch.

When school ended I went straight to the town library. Mrs Holland popped her head up as the door chimed as it opened.

"Christie! How wonderful to see you." She came shuffling over with Twinkie obediently by her side. I bent down and scratched the little dog behind the ears which he appreciated.

"If you don't need any help I was hoping I could do some revision?" I asked and she nodded.

"Go ahead dear, I finished stacking the last of the books earlier today." She smiled warmly. I thanked her and sat down at one of the new tables, the surface was polished to almost mirror standard, and the stuffing in the chair sunk graciously as I settled down. I sighed, already feeling more relaxed and at home.

"So everything's complete now?" I asked and looked around the furnished building. The new bookcases ascended to the ceiling which were filled with rows and rows of all kind of genres. The new oak tables showed no sign of wear, their surfaces reflecting my face looking down at them. The cream leather seats would surely discolour and tear with years to come, but it would be a sign of good use and lots of love.

"Yes, it's all done. We've got the CCTV, the emergency panic button under the desk, the new computers and monitors are all put in with new chairs. Everything's looking up." Mrs Holland smiled and took in her surrounding.

"You should be proud of all the hard work you've put into this place, it wouldn't be the same with out you." I meant it. I had basically grown up in this place, to see it's downfall crushed me, but to see us fight back and raise it's ashes up from the ground to make it better and stronger, it was worth all the heartbreak in the end.

"Oh I am, definitely, but I can't take all the credit Christie, you should know that. You're as much of this place as I am." The elderly lady grinned down at me, I returned the smile.

It was close to 8 when I left the library. Mrs Holland had gone a while ago after I said I'd lock up. Grabbing my bag I made sure all inner doors were shut before heading outside.

The cool February air nipped my face. The street lamps illuminated everything in their path and what lay out of its lightened reach stayed in the dark abyss until sunrise.

I didn't know why, but for some reason I was unsettled. I turned around, and across the street, just next to the street lamp, stood a man. It was as if he was looking directly at me.

I shivered uncomfortably under the watchful gaze and turned around to lock to door to the library. I turned back around to walk home, the man was gone. I saw no silhouettes or movements under the street lamps, even in the inky darkness, the moon provided just enough light to see inbetween the safety of the bright lamps.

Shaking off the thought I started my way home, keeping a watchful eye out.


Sorry for the short chapter, the real juice is coming soon!

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