Chapter 18

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A murmur of voices was playing on my ears. I scrunched my eyebrows together and lolled my head to the side and the voices faded and the light switched off. I was in peace again. Once again I felt consciousness slipping away and I was taken to dreamland again.


Bright lights. Loud nosies. Torture to my little senses. My throat was dry and my muscles ached. I opened my eyes slowly with heavy lids but shut them immediately after I was blinded by the light. I groaned and lifted my hand to wipe away any sleepy dust in the corner of my eyes, but ended up slapping myself due to my weakness.

After a few moments I opened my eyes again and they adjusted to the light. White. Do you know why I hate hospitals so much? Everything is pristine white. The walls, the bed, the windows and curtains, heck even the tv was white. A creaking sound alerted me and I saw a nurse walk through the door.

"Hello sweetie, did you have a nice sleep?" she asked cheerfully. Slightly confused I nodded and tried to speak but it came out very croaky.

"Oh dear. I'll get you some water." she gave me a pitying look before walking out the room. A couple of seconds later she returned with a bottle of water and handed it to me. I opened it and took a large gulp enjoying the feeling of the coolness running down my sore dry throat. The door opened again revealing Aaron who looked like he hadn't slept forever.

"Christie?" he asked sounding sad. He ran forward and gave me a hug before I had chance to say anything.

"I'm so glad you're alright. I thought you would never wake up." he sobbed into my shoulder.

"Wait what?" I asked confused. Aaron pulled back and sat on a chair next to the bed.

"You've been in a coma for 5 months. You had so much smoke in your lungs and that's why you were fainting loads. You slipped into a major coma and only just woken up." he explained and hugged me again as though I would disappear at any moment.

"5 months?!" I yelled, shocking myself and Aaron. He looked at me but the corners of his lips were tilting upwards.

"I'm just kidding. You've been asleep for a couple of days but it still shocked us because we didn't know when you'd wake up."

"So what day is it now?" I asked. I remember it was Thursday when Sadie broke my arm. That bitch.

"It's now Monday. You should be free to go back to school next week. Liz and Trent are outside." he said just as the door banged open and in came Liz and Trent.

"Oh my sweet! You've awoken!" she said and grabbed my face in both hands and gave me a sloppy kiss on the cheek. Yeeuck.

"Hi Liz, hi Trent." I muffled against Liz's shoulder.

"I'm fine really." but it came out as 'Oim foon welly.'

When Liz pulled away from me I took in a deep breath, now my lungs had room to breathe. The nurse came strolling in and was happy to see all the family here.

"I just need to do some check ups then you should be free to go." she said sweetly and grabbed the clip board then walked out the room.

"Well we'll just go sign off the discharge papers and see you outside." Trent said while walking out with Liz. I looked over at Aaron who was waving them goodbye.

"So have you been enjoying life without me?" I asked sarcastically with a hint of amusement.

"Yeh it's been peaceful." Aaron chuckled, I rolled my eyes and ran my fingers over my pink cast.

"Can I add something to my previous signing?" He asked as he noticed my cast.

"Sure if you can find a pen." I shrugged and Aaron whipped out a sharpie and began writing under his name.

Brokenhearted Girl (Continuing & Editing)Where stories live. Discover now