Chapter 44

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Minutes ticked down on the clock, which turned into hours, and then eventually days. Mrs Holland hadn't woken up from her coma yet, but we had been assured that she was stable.

I still visited her, Aaron came, Lucas came, even Liz and Trent came to see how she was doing.

"Still nothing new?" Liz asked as I pulled on my coat, ready to head out.

"Unfortunately." I said sadly. Liz pulled me into a warm hug.

"She'll get through this, you know she will." She said and I nodded, I wanted to believe her but with every day that ticked past, I was beginning to doubt it even more.

It was a quiet walk to the library, the crisp wind nipped at my cheeks but I didn't care; I invited the cold, stinging sensation with open arms, for I felt I deserved it.

Grey clouds rolled over the sky, reflecting my mood. Everyone on the streets hurried around with their hoods and scarves pulled up, hiding their faces.

Why would they want to hide from such a beautiful day? I thought to myself. The pitter patter of light raindrops echoed off the rooftops of building, and even though I didn't smile, I welcomed the cold rain.

When I got to the library the warm air almost made me feel sickly. People inside were snuggled up in just their jumpers, some with cups of hot chocolate or coffee. They all looked happy.

I realised my sour mood towards these people was ungrateful, and I suddenly felt very selfish for thinking that way.

I sat down heavily at the front desk and started up the computer and switched on the monitor. The silence throughout the building was welcoming and allowed me to concentrate on some school research.

Customers came and went all day, sending me their condolences. I was grateful for their concern, however each time they approached me, it took a lot of effort to smile, act strong and thank them. But behind it I could feel tears prickling my eyes and my throat close up.

At the end of the day when I closed the library, it was as though a big weight had lifted from my shoulders. I was finally able to escape the prying questions and pitiful gazes.

Aaron picked me up soon after and he drove to the hospital. The receptionist greeted have a we walked past and found ourselves in Mrs Holland's room. The tubes connected to her nose made me feel queasy, but I knew it was to help her breathe.

"How is she doing?" I asked the nurse who was close by.

"A week without change, she's still stable, however she could be in this state for a while." She said and then left the room quickly.

I slumped in the chair and took a hold of her cold, lifeless hand which was laying beside her side.

"She'll get through this Christie, I know she will." Aaron said. I smiled gratefully at him, although I didn't believe him.


After school on Monday I managed to catch up with Dave and his group in the gold mine.

"We've already shifted a good amount, I reckon we should be done within this next week." He said and wiped his hand across his forehead.

"Really? That's great!" I smiled.

"Hey, why don't you come have a look, see what we've done down there?" He suggested.

"Yeah, sure." He quickly grabbed some safety gear and handed it to me. I pulled on the hard hat and switched the lamp on as well as climbing into the harness and clipping myself on to the safety platform, so if I fell off the ladder I wouldn't plummet many feet down to my death.

Dave descended down the ladder first and I followed shortly after. When we got down to the bottom I could already see how different the place looked.

There were lights strung up every few feet apart so it was easy to see, and special equipment, stuff I didn't even recognise was piled up.

I unclipped myself and we started walking down the tunnel and into the mine's main section.

There was chalk arrows on the walls telling us which way to go in case we got lost, which would be pretty easy.

"So as you can see, we've already got a chunk of gold out but there's much more to do yet. Luckily, we have such a fast and cooperative team I don't think it'll take any time at all." Dave exclaimed as we looked onwards at the men working at the walls.

"It looks really different than when I first came down here." I explained and examined the walls. Before, the gold had just glinted off the walls, and now as the surface had been cut back and more gold was revealed, the walls seemed to have this fantastic, magical glow to them.

"I had a thought. If it's okay with Mrs Holland, I was thinking this place could be turned into an attraction. You know, this town doesn't have a lot to say for itself but now maybe it could. And with it being right behind the library, maybe that would help with business? Not that you need it." Dave finished off. He was right, now that the library had been redeveloped, business was booming.

"That could be a pretty good idea, and it could be used for educational purposes. There's only one problem..."

"She's still in a coma." Dave finished off for me. I nodded sadly and he sighed.

"That's okay, we've got all the time in the world." He reassured and I smiled. I stayed down in the mine for a bit longer, studying the walls, taking some photos and talking to the workmen down there.

I emerged back at the surface sometime later. After taking off my safety gear and thanking Dave for the tour, I returned to the library for my shift.

These past few days of working had been generous on my pay slip, yet selfish on my sleep schedule. Sitting at the front desk, in the warmth, snuggled up within the comfort of my coat, I suddenly began to drift off.

You know that state where you're dreaming yet not fully asleep and aware of the world? You're trying to keep your eyes open yet your eyelids feel like dumbbells you can't fight.

In my subconscious state I could see Mrs Holland, she was awake and well standing outside the library. There was a crowd of people and, news reporters?

"Mrs Holland, please tell us about the discovery of the gold mine on your own turf!" Before she could answer, another reporter butted in and asked: "Mrs Holland! What are you going to do with all the gold?"

Overwhelmed with their questions, Mrs Holland held up her hands to silence them.

"I would love to answer all your questions, however, they are not mine to answer. I am no longer the owner of this library." She said. Everyone looked at each other in shock and disbelief, and started to mumble amongst themselves.

"Well, who is the owner then?" Someone asked. Mrs Holland smiled and pointed to the girl next to her. She long, chestnut coloured hair and indigo blue eyes which had shed far too many tears within their young time.

"This girl, she is like a granddaughter to me. When I pass, this place shall be hers. Her name is-"

My phone blaring out my ring tone made me jump in shock.

I still had the Carry You ring tone,  which I should probably change.

I looked at the caller and saw Mel's name pop up. Fearing the worst, I slid across the answer key and replied hesitantly.

"Christie! You'll never guess what."

But I could already guess by her excited tone.

"My mum is awake!"

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