Chapter 16

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My breathing was coming short and I was panicking. Who would do this? I carefully and slowly walked up to a broken window and peered inside. I saw no robbers or murderers lurking inside the building. I whipped my phone out of my pocket and dialled 999.

"Hello you have called 999. Which department are you in need of; police, ambulance or fire brigade?" a woman on the other end asked

"P-police please." I said shakily. I heard the woman speaking off phone before a man answered.

"Hello what can I do for you?" he asked in a gruff voice.

"Uh well the windows in the library have been smashed and well I don't know who did it." I said, sounding very vague and childish.

"Uh sure we'll come and investigate I guess what's the name of the road?" he asked.

"Ever Green Road." I replied.

"Okay ma'am we'll be there in under an hour, it's just some more important things have come up first." the officer replied before hanging up. I sighed and sat down on the gravel and waited for the police.

30 minutes had gone and I couldn't wait any longer. I stood up and looked inside the window again. Still no one. The window was fairly large so I slipped through the broke shards easily, my feet crunching on bits the other side. I went up to the front desk and pressed the button which controlled all the lights, soon every light was illuminating it's own space. I walked around for a bit and it seemed each window had been smashed, all the shards decorating the floor.


I whipped my head to the side so fast I was surprised I didn't get whiplash. I saw a small figure slip behind a chair but it's silhouette was unidentifiable. I stood still for a while before I saw a white paw appear then another.

"Twinkie?" I said curiously. The dog emerged from it's hiding place and bounded over to me. I kneeled on the floor and caught the dog in my arms. I stood up and hugged the dog to my chest while he tried to lick my face.

"Okay that's enough now." I said chuckling as I set the dog back down. He looked up at me with a wagging tail and tongue hanging out.

"Come on." I said and walked further into the library. Behind the seats there was a bookcase and behind that was a door which lead to Mrs Holland's living area which was above the library. I opened the rusty looking door and saw the stairs ascending upwards with little light being given off. I wandered up the stairs with Twinkie by my heel and opened the door at the top. Twinkie ran ahead of me so I followed, the whole apartment looked rather nice and tidy. There was a bed, kitchen and a separate bathroom. A small brick tv on a desk. I followed where Twinkie was standing which was in the kitchen by a food bowl.

"I don't know where the food is mate." I said to him. I doubt he could understand me because his head was cocked to the side looking at me like what? before trotting over to a cupboard. I sighed and opened it, there lay the dog food. I poured some of the nuggets into a bowl and watched him eat happily. I walked over to he tv and turned it on to the news, nothing interesting was on so I turned it off. I checked the time on my phone and say it was nearing 6o'clock. It would be getting dark outside soon.

The fridge didn't have any food in it nor the bread bin, apart from some mouldy bread but I can survive. I was making my way back to the bed when I heard a clunking noise. I stopped dead in my tracks and listened. I heard very faint voices coming from downstairs.

"The police are here at last." I mumbled to myself as I went over to the small window to look out. There were no police cars outside. There were motorbikes with teenagers on them who were laughing and joking before I saw one look up towards the window. I quickly ducked and waited a while. I raised my head and saw them all laughing again. They mustn't have seen me.

I walked back to the centre of the room where my phone was as I dialled 999 again.

"Hello you have called 999. Which department are you in need of; police, ambulance or fire brigade?" the same woman asked from before.

"Hi I called earlier about the library incident and I wondered how long the police would be because there are some thugs outside the building now." I said peering outside the window again.

"Hold on one second please." the woman asked as I was put on hold with some classical music. I waited and waited, and, waited. In the end I hung up because I knew she wasn't coming back.

I paced the room before stopping. Was it getting hotter in here? I took my jacket off and slung it on the bed. I tried to fan myself with my hands but it was no use. I opened the window and stuck my head out getting some fresh air. My head cooled down and I returned into the room. I sat down on the bed and took my shoes and socks off before placing my feet firmly on the ground but picked them up again when the floor was hot.

"What this house has floor heating?" I asked in disbelief. I felt the bed dip slightly next to me and turned to see Twinks sat there. He started whimpering next to me and I knew it wasn't good.

I kneeled on the floor and put my palms face down, but drew them back when they got hot. I hopped over to the door and put my hands to it.

"Oh god. Oh god." I said backing away from the door. It was hot and smoke started to rise up between the gap at the bottom. I grabbed my jacket and socks and put them on before grabbing a tea towel and putting that over my nose. I got my phone out and dialled 999 for the third time today.

"Hello you have called 999-"

"Fire brigade please. I'm at the library on Ever Green Road. It's on fire and I'm trapped inside!" I screeched down the phone and running to the open window. My head became dizzy and my knees weak. I heard the sound of sirens in the distance and Twinkie began to bark. I fell back onto the ground with a smoke filled room.

"Hello? Hello? Miss are you there? Hello..."

That's when breathing became a difficulty and consciousness slipped away from me.


Sorry it's such a short chapter:( but believe me I was quite proud of it. :) 'till next time.

Hollie x

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