"Y-You can't keep me locked up." I clap back, trying to seem intimidating but I probably look like a toddler throwing a tantrum. He blinks up at me.

"It's for your safety. You don't get a say in this." He hisses, raising his voice a bit. "And I don't like you talking back to me. As my future wife, you'll always support my decisions. Got that?" He orders with authority and I try to harden my stare at him.

"GOT THAT?" He growls and I flinch before immediately nodding. I've suffered enough fear for the day. I'm not going to marry him, I'll try to find a way out soon. And if I don't, I'll keep trying till my last breath. I'm not going to let him kill anyone either.

"Good." He looks very mad, maybe even sad? I wonder if I'm the reason. He takes off his suit jacket and flings it over the couch before going into the closet, his loud feet disturbing the silence that fill the room once again.

God, I don't think I've ever been this tired. I can't even sit up properly. I've got a million questions running through my mind, the main one being: Who was following us? And why?

I divert my gaze to the window and look out, it's already dark out. I must've been out a long time before I woke up. I just really can't handle stressful situations.

"FUCK!" I hear a loud growl and something hitting the floor loudly. It's Tristan, why is he so angry? He takes fast steps towards the bed and turns off the lights. This time, he doesn't pull me closer to him nor does he say good night, he just slumps on the bed and stays silent. Have I done something to provoke him? Maybe I should find out. I'm in a confident mood for some reason.

"I-um... Tristan?" I poke, turning over to him but he has his back at me.

"Go to sleep, Aurora." He orders blankly. Always so grumpy.

"Did I... Did I do something?" I don't know what came over me but I had to ask. But he didn't reply, only silence. I'd rather not push him to answer any longer so I just turn over to the other side, scooting over to the furthest spot on the bed. I close my eyes waiting for sleep to take over. Moments later, I hear a heavy sigh and movement behind me. That's when I feel arms wrap around me, pulling me behind.

Tristan places a kiss on my neck before whispering in my ear "You've done nothing wrong, my angel. I'm just fucking angry you got hurt." He explains, his grizzly voice making the hairs on my neck stand up.

"I'm not hurt." I assure, my voice sleepy. He hums in response, his hand soothing the pain by gently stroking my hair.

"I want you to know that what happened today, won't happen again. And the people responsible are being punished for it." He blatantly informs me, his breath fanning my cheek. "Now, sleep." He moved my hair from my face and wraps his arm around me. I swear I'll never get used to that.

Next morning:

It's the final day before the wedding and I can't find an escape plan. That's because Tristan assigned Jonas to follow me all day long. Even when I change, he's outside on the lookout. Ugh, it's like he's a mind reader.
How am I supposed to leave when tomorrow, I'm to be married?

Other than that, today is my 'bride pampering' day. It's a spa day organized by Mrs Black, I don't even know what it includes, and trust me when I say that I don't want to find out. But what's the point of even fighting back anymore?

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