For the first time in my life, I've never wanted to kill someone so badly before.

The Light ducks easily at my uncontrolled attack, and grips a handful of my collar as he slams me into a tree.

"Is that a handprint on your cheek, slave? Wow, he really went all out, didn't he?"

Tears sting at my eyes as I thrash against his iron grip, trying to block out his words that shatter my heart of glass over and over again.

"Shut up."

Hurt me instead. Kill me instead.

Just shut the hell up.

"Oh, and look at what I found." Besides a sniggering Blaire, he holds up the a broken piece of the arrow that I'd thrown on the ground mindlessly. Did he not see the other piece? There were two.

Who cares, Lyr. Is it the time to worry about that?

"I heard you were an archer, slave, and a quite good one at that. What did your master do to make you break your precious handmade arrow, huh? Did he hurt you? Did he call you stubborn?"

Hoping he wouldn't do anything to me, I shift my head a bit more forward, making my curtain of hair cover my watery eyes, which is as blank and empty as the skies above.

His eyes had the color of the skies.

"Answer me, Lyr. Which side do you belong to, anyway? Gens Light? Gens Dark?" He leans in, a malicious grin lighting his slitted eyes.

"Oh, sorry," he chuckles lowly. "I forgot both abandoned you."

Still snickering, he grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls it upwards so violently that I'm wondering how the entire thing didn't just rip off from my scalp.

Not that it mattered. Nobody was going to find me— and even if someone did come after me, the Iliad Forests had already been a blessing to me once.

Now it was a curse.

The damned Light seems to read my mind as his other hand closes around my thin neck. I wish he'd just break it already, end all of this madness.

"Are you hoping for your master to come for you?" The coldness of his fingers reflect the flat temperature of his gaze as he tightens his grip. "Are you hoping someone still cares for you enough to come after you?"

My breath starts to go rapid as he squeezes tighter and tighter. End me already. Isn't that what you want?

Blaire taps her feet impatiently. "As much as I'd like you to torture her verbally for hours, I don't want to miss my supper, Jax. Let's get this over with and just snap her open already."

"One second, Blaire."

His fingers lift my chin up so my dead eyes are level with his. Haven't you broken me enough? When will you let me go?

"Honestly, slave." His voice is suddenly soft and gentle as he puts his lips right next to my ear. His hot breath tickles my skin revoltingly as he whispers.

"I think that Dark actually cared for you. From what I'd seen, he might've even loved you."

Tears sting at the corners of my eyes as his words repeat in my head like a tape on rewind. Cared for me? Loved me?

"He gave up so much for to treat you like that. But guess what? It didn't matter in the end, because the person he cared for was to stubborn to see it."

My stony facade collapses like a landslide as my face goes slack with hurt and pain. The tears I'd held back before now comes pouring out like a rainfall, and it doesn't want to stop.

"Mission accomplished," the Light laughs mockingly as his hands squeeze on my neck.

"Now you can die knowing that, Lyr."

Dark and Light | J.JK *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now