When my eyes wander around the other Heads, I realize they all have the same thing in common.

Beautiful, stiff, cold.

Fidgeting with my hands, I stand there alone admiring how perfect the girl and Jungkook look together as they get into starting position. Skinny, tall, and beautiful— the girl is everything I'm not, and never will be.

I'm so pitiful. And to think I had a chance with him when he had all these other mature, elegant girls to choose from.

Right before the music begins, I'm handed a bowl of black powder— kohl, I think. The person who gave it to me tells me to smear it around each of the Head's and their partner's eyes, and I nod in assent.

Why kohl?

Trying not to drop the bowl, I stop in front of the first Head and his partner, who is kind of short compared to the others. He has ashy gray hair that compliments his skin tone, which I can safely say is better than most of the girls here.

 He has ashy gray hair that compliments his skin tone, which I can safely say is better than most of the girls here

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I dip my finger into the black stuff, not enjoying the cold texture of the powder. When the Head bends down to meet my eyes, he smirks at me and whispers so his partner couldn't hear him.

"Hello, Ms. I-belong-to-Jungkook. I've been wanting to meet you for quite a while."

Ignoring his comments, I ring the kohl around his hooded eyes, not even caring if the substance got into his eyes. After finishing the job, I move onto his partner quickly. The stare that this guy was giving me was making me uncomfortable.

Then he leans down.

"Jungkook's pet."

I stare back at him.

"Fix your hair."

Ignoring his incredulous look, I move onto a tall man who fixes his eyes on me the minute I come within five meters in range of him. I have to say that he's very attractive— it's a wonder that a blush doesn't go up my neck the second my eyes meet with his.

"Thank you, Jungkook's slave." His voice is deeper than what I'd expected, and I nod quickly as I turn away, flustered.

How come every Head knows that I'm Jungkook's property?

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

How come every Head knows that I'm Jungkook's property?

By the time I reach Jungkook, my hands are trembling so much from the spotlight that I'm struggling not to just run back into the crowd. Anxiety and nervousness is making my heartbeat grow faster every second as I stop in front of Jungkook and his partner.

I'd never dealt well with being the center of attention, no matter how small or large the crowd was. It was a weakness I wasn't proud of.

Then the kohl bowl slips out of my hand.

I can practically hear every person in the room gasp as the bowl lands in Jungkook's hand, inches from the ground.

Without a word, he hands the bowl back to me, his eyes deep with unspoken phrases.

Are you okay?

I quickly nod a yes as I grip the bowl tightly and dip my already-stained finger into the kohl. I'm willing my finger to stop shaking as I pull it out of the powder, trying to ignore the hundred scorning stares on my back.

The anxiety had gotten worse ever since the slight slip up, and I was surprised how I wasn't dropping the kohl bowl the second time and humiliating myself even further.

At this rate, I was going to smudge the kohl all over his face, and probably miss the spot where I was supposed to ring the kohl over.

The girl is looking at me scornfully now, like everybody else in the room. What was I thinking? I can't do this. The spotlight is too much for me to take— I can't breathe—

Suddenly, Jungkook wraps his hand around my wrist. Then he steadily leads my hand around his blue eyes, ringing the blue with the black of kohl.

When his hand leaves mine, I feel more better, like his touch calmed me somehow. After that I'm so composed that even the girl's hateful stare doesn't do anything to affect my nerves.

When I retreat back to the crowd, the music begins.

Dark and Light | J.JK *COMPLETED*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن