One Step, Two Step, Three Step, Four!

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- Drake's POV -

"Come on, Corey, smile for Daddy!" I cooed into my baby son's pram, hoping to get him to smile. So far, I'd managed to make him cry, and just sit there with a straight face. "Why won't you smile for Daddy?"

"Because he likes Mummy better." Aria teased, scooping Corey up out of the pram and holding him up in the air. "What's Daddy trying to do to you, huh? Is Daddy scaring you, yeah?" Corey laughed as she spoke, his little hands reaching out for her face. She started blowing raspberries on his hands, which only caused him to laugh more. I frowned at them. "What's up sour puss?"

"How come he smiles for you and not for me?" I pouted.

"You've gotta know how to do it. He's not gonna smile just because you ask him to, he has to have a reason to smile silly." She explained, shaking her head.

"Yeah, Drake, you're face should be funny enough to make him laugh, but obviously it just scares the poor fella." Natalie smirked, walking into the room and standing behind her sister.

"Oh, whatever. He doesn't laugh for you either."

"I beg to differ." She grinned, tickling Corey under his chin. "Who's a big boy? And who's nothing like their smelly Daddy? Corey is!" She cheered, earning a laugh from my son.

"So everyone but me can get him to smile?" I frowned.

"Looks that way Sweetie." Aria replied, apologetically, biting her lip.

I sighed and sat down beside my wife and son. "One day, little man, one day, I will get you to smile. And it will be the best day of your little life, cus you're Daddy would have finally made you smile!" I put my index finger near his hand, and he gripped onto it, his whole fist clinging onto my one finger.

"See? He does love his Daddy." Aria smiled, kissing me on the cheek before passing Corey back over to me. "I know you can make him smile, I believe in you." She kissed Corey's forehead softly and left the room, followed closely by Natalie.

"You think I'm a terrible father don't you kiddo? I can't even make my own son laugh. What the hell is wrong with me?" I asked him, holding him up before me.

"Aria was the exact same." Aria's dad chuckled, standing behind the sofa, grinning down at his grandson. "She would never smile for me, but always her mother. I thought I was such a bad father, turns out, I just wasn't doing it right."

"What's the right way to do it?" I frowned, confused.

"Every kid is different. With Aria, it was literally just a huge grin and a baby voice." He shrugged. "Looks to me like Corey's ticklish, and he too likes the big grins." He then grinned at Corey, who laughed at him, kicking his chubby little legs in excitement.

"Everyone but me!" I sighed, frowning at my son. "What's wrong with me?" He looked at me, confused for a few moments, before reaching out to touch my nose. Once he was close enough, I quickly moved my face, so that I could pretend to nibble on his hand. He pulled his hand back, a huge smile slipping onto his face. "I did it!"

He continued to try and reach for my nose, and I continued to pretend to bite it, loving how his laughter was now filling the room, and it was all because of me.

Aria came in a little while later, a smile on her face as she watched me play with Corey, having finally gotten him to laugh.

"You know what comes next right?" She whispered in my ear.

"What's that?" I mumbled back, kissing her cheek.

"Walking and talking." She grinned, holding her hands out for Corey. He lifted his arms up, kicking his feet on my legs, eager to be with his Mummy again. "Are you happy to see Mummy again? Did Daddy not entertain you enough?"

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