I struggled at first but settled on a black t-shirt with blue jeans.

It wasn't a lot but it was one of the nicest things I own.

After tossing my old clothes back into my bag I walked into the kitchen to see Dan in an apron.

"B..." I mumbled.

The apron was one you would see in movies. And it was horrible.

"Yes?" He said smiling.

"What are you wearing."

He looked down,"Oh, this old thing? How'd it get there. I don't own this."

I walked over and leaned on the counter in front of him while he prepared something.

I stared at him intently trying to make him nervous.

"How do you not know you own an apron that says kiss the cook?"

He mumbled something soft enough so that I couldn't hear and I started laughing.

"I'm just kidding with you Dan. You look pretty top."

He grinned and continued to,"cook."

Mostly Dan's cooking consists of a bowl of cereal. So I'd be surprised if he doesn't just give me a tomato.

"You know you can just give me a box of cereal right?"

He shook his head,"That's boring."

"It's what you eat everyday, so it's not that boring."

He continued to shake his head.

After he was done with whatever he made, he put it into a basket and placed a folded sheet next to it.

I looked at him in shock.

"Dan, this isn't a movie."

"I'm gonna make it seem like one." He said smirking.

I wanted to smack his grin off of his face but refrained myself.

I picked up the basket, sheet in hand, and headed toward the door.

"Come on Dan!" I yelled behind me.

I heard the sound of shuffling feet as Dan's voice grew louder,"I'm coming I'm coming."

I held open the door as he walked out toward his car.

He hopped into his small vehicle as I shuffled over to the passenger side.

"We are going to the park right?" He said unsure and I nodded.

I took out my phone while he pulled out of his driveway, into the direction of the park.

From: Meeeeee

To: Meg :D

Don't be late!

I tapped send and then felt my body relax into the seat.

All of the muscles in my body, seemed to relax at the same time and I didn't even want to move.

My phone vibrated on my lap but I didn't check it.

I looked out the window as the trees flew by. The sun had set and it was now dark outside.

The stars were out and from here I could see the lights in the park.

"So how come I've never noticed the lights before?" I asked Dan snapping out of my trance.

"They just put them in once you left for Austin. They're fairly new."

"Yeah they're new to me."

The lights grew brighter as we approached the park.

Soon, Dan was stopping to let me hop out of the car and I did.

Still carrying everything I needed I watched as he drove away.

"Have fun B." He said and I nodded.

Once he turned the corner I turned around and walked into the brightly lit park.

You could never tell it was dark outside unless you looked in between the trees.

The lights were neatly strung all throughout the area.

Literally I walked throughout the park in awe as each and every single one of the lights caught my eye.

They were christmas lights. White christmas lights. The ones you would see people hang up outside.

And I have to say, christmas lights not on Christmas, looked pretty good.

I walked right into the middle of the park and found myself a spot.

I chucked my phone onto the soft grass along with neatly placing the basket on the ground.

I held the light sheet in my hands and laid it out, flat before grabbing my phone off the ground.

From: Meg :D

To: Meeeeee

I promise I won't be!

I nodded and didn't text back until a slight shadow formed in the corner of my eye.

I smiled and looked up at the person in which the shadow belonged to and then I dropped my phone.

"Gavin!" They said.

And I couldn't believe my eyes.

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