Geoff POV

"You can sit here if you'd like?" I asked a man who looked confused.

I would be confused too if all the seats at were taken.

He didn't respond for a few seconds.

"Well?" I asked and gestured to the seat in front of me.

He looked to be in his low, maybe mid twenty's.

"Uh sure, thanks mate." He said taking the seat.

"British?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just recently moved here for a bit."

I nodded taking a sip of my coffee.

It's always good to have coffee on a day off of work. Also especially on a Monday.

"Are you staying in a hotel nearby?"

He nodded,"Actually yes I am, it's right down the street."

I pointed at his outfit,"Just wake up?"

"Well no and yes. I have been up but I had to walk all the way here."

"Why didn't you get a cab? This is Austin there is plenty."

He took a whiff of his coffee,"Apparently hotels don't serve breakfast on Mondays."

That's stupid I thought to myself.

"Isn't it Monday? I mean everyone goes to work on Mondays so don't they need breakfast?"

The stranger laughed,"Yeah that's what I thought, so I didn't bring much money."

"You expected free didnt you?"

"Well Free is literally my last name, that deserves something."

"Really?" I asked,"Well mine is Ramsey so I don't get free."

"Gavin Free, nice to meet you."

"Geoff." I put my hand out for him to shake and he did.

Holding my hand out with the coffee cup in it I began to ask a lot.

"What do you do?"

"I sleep?"

I laughed. I liked Gavin. He was nice.

I may be a lot older than him, but he's a good kid. Not really a kid but still.

"No, like a job?"

Gavin sipped his coffee and leaned back,"I don't have a job in Austin yet."

"What about at home?"

"Back in England I made videos for the internet."

I almost spit my coffee out,"Porn? Gavin are you a pornstar?"

His face went from a smile to a serious frown,"Why does everyone think that!"

"Well it's the way you say it. You don't say 'Oh yeah I make videos for the internet'."

He started laughing again.

Does this guy laugh at everything?

"I don't know why I was so surprised, I make videos too."

"Geoffrey Ramsey," Gavin said,"Are you a pornstar?"

I glared at him.

"I will pour my coffee on you so don't fuck with me."

At my words Gavin picked up his coffee,"I too can play that game."

Gavin and I sat at the table talking for what seemed like hours and our conversation was broken by the sound of thunder.

"Rain?" Gavin asked.

"Yeah I guess."

"This is Texas, isn't it supposed to be dry here?"

"Dude this is Texas not the desert."

He shrugged,"I'm just saying."

Gavin stood up from the table.

"Well I guess I should be getting back before it starts to rain."

I stood up too,"That sounds like a a good idea. How far is the hotel?"


I didn't want this guy walking too far especially if it starts to rain.

I mean yeah I just met him but still I don't want him in the rain.

"Uh.. It's. Right down the street. Yeah..." He said unsure.

"I can take you there if you want a ride?"

He shook his head,"I don't want to be a problem,I'll just walk."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded,"I'll be fine."

I took out a pen and wrote on a napkin.

"If you need anything being new here and all, just give me a call."

I handed the napkin to him and he nodded.

"Thanks lad."

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