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Gavin POV

"No I don't want the pancakes." I told Michael.

"Eat the god damn pancakes!"

I crossed my arms like a five year old and shook my head. Michael let out a sigh and crossed his too.

I couldn't keep a serious face and I felt a crooked smile creep into my face.

I grabbed the pancakes and threw them onto Michael's head and we just laughed together.

Michael was about to say something so I watched intently.

He opened his mouth and the only words that came out were,"Beep. Beep. Beep."

I knew that wasn't right.

"Michael, are you okay?"

The sound repeated and this time louder until I woke up to see the sun shining through the blinds.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Now I want pancakes." I said to myself as I mashed the off button on my alarm.

I turned myself to the edge of my bed and looked at the floor.

Of course there were clothes everywhere from last nights events.

Thinking of last nights events I thought of how Michael hugged me and I couldn't help but to smile.

I'm glad he hugged me, I don't know why but I'm glad he did.

I gathered up all my clothes and shoved them into a corner.

I told myself I would eventually put them into the closet because that's what closets are for.

I grabbed my phone off the charger and stretched.

All of my stretching caused me to make an unusual cat sound.

I started to laugh,"No regrets." I told myself.

I unlocked my phone and noticed all the Tweets I had received.

Most of them were "Are you really working for RT" and some of them were the guys, and in this case girls, from the office replying to them.

I set my phone down on the bedside table and yawned to myself.

I was in the middle of rubbing my eyes when I heard a knock at the door.

I walked over and opened it to reveal a little Millie.

"Hi Gavin." She said.

"Good Morning Millie."

She put her hand out for me to shake and I followed.

"You do know it's like 9am and I don't like hand shakes."

Her face fell a bit.

I put my hand on her shoulder,"Because I like hugs." I said smiling.

She smiled back and opened the door a bit more so she could manage to hug me.

I picked her up and hugged her back.

"Is your daddy up?" I asked and she nodded.

"Did you give him a hug too?"

She shook her head no and scratched her head.

"Well maybe you should." I said putting her down.

I watched as she ran off to find Geoff and I decided it would be best to put all my clothes in the closet.

Not long after I started I remembered I needed to shower.

I grabbed a pair of shorts and a shirt that I didn't care if they matched or not.

I took out other necessities and made my way to the bath room.

On the way in I ran into Geoff who was rubbing his head.

I noticed he had a small bump on his forehead and I smiled slightly.

We must have ran into each other a lot harder than I expected last night.

"Uh hey Gavin.." He said.

"Yes lad?"

"Did I run into you last night?"

I started smiling a bit more,"Uh.. No Geoff. I don't remember anything about running into you. After all I was asleep."

"Right. Right." He said,"Did Michael take you home?"

I nodded.

"That's good. Thanks for the talk. Conscious." Geoff started smirking.

I mini slapped myself and started laughing as Geoff walked away, himself laughing too.

"Well." I said.

Apparently he was wide awake last night or, this morning I should say.

I put my clothes on the counter in the bath room and shut the door.

I turned on the water and after about 15 minutes a fresh new Gavin was out and about in the hallway.

I grabbed my now empty bag and put my dirty clothes in it.

Walking out the door, I grabbed my phone and an office key that Geoff gave me.

You never know when I might have to lock up.

I walked to the living room to see Geoff teaching Millie how to play a game.

Geoff saw me through the corner of his eye and put his controller down.

"You ready conscious?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

Geoff walked past me to get his keys and I could hear him whispering to himself something along the lines 'you will never be ready'.

I snickered to myself and followed him out the door.

He said his goodbye to Millie and Griffon and off we went.

Gavin part of AH and RT, day 2.


Sorry this chapter was a bit short. :-( I got the red ring of death on my xbox and I feel like a part of me is missing.

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