Gavin POV

I walked outside the coffee shop with my coffee still in hand as Geoff followed.

He's a good guy.

And he has a sick mustache.

"By the way,"I said as he headed toward his car.

Geoff looked at me and I took it as a 'continue' reference.

"Your mustache is top."

He laughed and said thanks as he got in his car.

I took out my phone as I started walking to the hotel.

I entered Geoff's number and added him as a new contact.

I decided to send him a message.

From: Meeeeee
To: Geoffrey :-)
Hey, Geoff?

Soon after I received a message.

From: Geoffrey :-)
To: Meeeeee
Hey, Gavin?

I smiled. Who would of thought I would be close to a man who was at least 10 years older than I was.

From: Meeeeee
To: Geoffrey :-)

And yet again I received another message right away.

From: Geoffrey :-)
To: Meeeeee
Shut up and let me drive, I wouldn't want to accidentally run over a Brit

I started laughing out loud literally.

I put my phone in my pajama pants pocket and looked at the sky.

Texas was nice and all but I guess when it storms it doesn't hesitate to let all hell break lose.

I could tell that when the rain started, it won't stop for a while.

Geoff and I had such a long conversation that it was practically mid day into evening.

And throughout that time I hadn't thought of Michael.

That is until now.

"You won't ever see him again,"I said out loud.

I brought my eyes back to the ground and watched the concrete move beneath my feet with each step.

I could feel a slight drizzle starting to come down so I moved closer to the buildings.

This time I was walking the same direction as everyone else.

At least I thought I was.

There was no one around because it was about to rain so everyone bolted for shelter to stay dry.

I didn't want to be stuck in a building all day though.

There weren't many cars out either.

By time I could see the hotel sign it started to pour.

The wind picked up and I was now running to the hotel.

It was no use though because I was already wet.


As I reached the doors to the lobby I out my hand in my pocket to get my key.

I walked inside and took my hand out to reveal an empty palm.


I reached all the way to the bottom of my pocket and there wasn't a key.

Thinking back to this morning I realized I hadn't grabbed my key when I walked out the door.

"Crap." I said pulling at my hair.

I walked to the front desk and placed my phone on the table top. And I did what people do at the desk, I rang the bell.

But if course I am Gav.

Gav doesn't get what he wants. And no one showed up.

So it was raining. I have no key. No money. And I'm in wet pajamas.

I looked at my phone.

"Am I really going to call a man who could potentially rape me?"

I sighed and grabbed my phone.

"I guess so."

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