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Gavin POV

After that, days were slow, slower than usual. Most of the recent Let's Play's were slow. And I was slow.

Most of the Let's Play's, the next AHWU, all of it.

But it could have just been me that was slow, everyone else seemed to enjoy them.

Right now we were in the middle of the next addition of GO and I was wandering around GTA while everyone laughed and talked behind me.

I hadn't paid much attention to Michael, there was no point. No point in paying attention to a person if they don't pay attention to you anyway.

So I didn't. I didn't even attempt to look at him today.

Which made everything a bit slower.

I watched the small screen in front of me before my eyes wandered toward Michael's desk.

Quickly, I looked back and I happen to drive into a lamppost.

"Darn it."

"What's up Gav?" Geoff said and I could tell he was smiling through his tone of voice.

"I may have drove into a lamp." I said trying to laugh.

"I'm not surprised." Ryan said and I could also tell he was smiling.

After the recording session was over everyone gathered their things and we decided to go get lunch with the exception of Lindsey.

Sadly, even though I have nothing against her, she was here today. And it's like the days she isn't here, Michael cares about me.

But when she is here, I'm just some random guy he has never seen before.

I sat next to him along with Lindsey and Ray by my side.

Geoff, Jack and Ryan sat across from us, seeing we could share a side while the gents had the other.

I sat between a wall and Ray and I was glad I was there. I couldn't see Michael and I couldn't see Lindsey, it worked out for me.

We had gone to some pizza place not too far from the office and as soon as we walked in I could tell the food was going to be good.

That is if I can get my mind away from nonetheless other than Michael.

Everyone had small talk before and after we ordered and I found myself talking to Ray predominantly.

"Gavin, what's wrong." He asked just like our conversation we had the other day.

With the exception of no gaming or editing that is.

"Ray." I muttered.

"You can't hide it Gavin. I know something is wrong. Are you still upset about Michael?"

I looked down at the table below me and I didn't want to answer.

Luckily I didn't have to because all of the numerous pizzas arrived.

Ray and I shared one and Michael and Lindsey did too.

I felt a bit broken by the fact my best friend. Er. Ex best friend, was sharing with a different person.

I felt my jaw slouch a bit with the words ex best friend floating in my head.

When I first met Lindsey I thought she was cool and I never thought I would see her again.

But I was wrong. I should have known if I could see Michael again I might see her again also.

"We will continue this conversation later." He said tilting his head so only I could hear him.

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