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Gavin POV

Later that night after work I decided to call Michael and confess everything that has been going on. It's best if he finds out from me instead of the fans who watched the video.

After shutting my bedroom door I took out my phone and sat on the bed in front of me.

I pulled up his contact and took a deep breath.

"Do you want to do this?" I asked myself quietly.

Sighing I nodded and tapped the call button.

I waited, and waited and waited. Ring after ring until I got his voicemail.

"Hey it's me Michael. I can't get to the phone right now. I'm probably with Lindsey. I'll catch ya later."

And then I got the beep. I didn't say anything, instead I just ended the call and sat there staring at my phone.

He changed his voicemail and I actually am being replaced.

I tapped on the cloth beneath me making awkward sounds that made absolutely no sense.

Finally, I got up and walked out of the room in the direction of Geoff.

I ended up in the living room in front of Geoff who was passed out on the couch.

"Hello Geoff." I said laughing silently.

Sure enough it was late, 11:47 to be exact.

But that didn't matter to me. I haven't been sleeping well in Austin anyway. So I had no problem being up late.

As quick as I said hello, I said goodbye.

Walking toward the door I silently grabbed Geoff's car keys and didn't bother to look back at him.

"I'll be back Geoff." I said walking out the door.

I hopped into Geoff's car which I was Farley familiar with since the last time I was in it.

And I was also going to the same place where I first drove it to. Michael.

If he wasn't going to answer the phone and he wouldn't come to me. I will go to him.

I'm not sure how I plan on saying I like my best friend but I knew it had to be done some how. And I wasn't going to wait any longer.

I already knew where Michael's apartment complex was and I actually already knew which apartment it was.

Barbara claimed she had been there before and she didn't give me a number but she gave me directions.

It's almost as if she knew I would do this and she was prepared for it.

Aside from Barbara, I started thinking of how I would talk to Michael.

Should I just go out and say it when he answers the door? What if he doesn't answer the door at all?

What if he's mad for some reason?

I looked at the clock and it was almost midnight so he probably was asleep.

Yeah he's going to be mad but I had to spill out all the information I had.

Even if it doesn't solve anything I still needed to know how he felt.

Green light after green light I pulled into the apartment complex and parked in the front so I wouldn't have to walk far.

A man doesn't need to exercise at midnight, at least I don't.

I checked to make sure I had my phone and the keys before shutting the door and walking into the apartments.

They all looked the same, apartment after apartment and here I was walking alone in the dark at midnight.

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