Am I Dead?

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Hope ran up to where her parents and the Black Fairy stood. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she stared at the enemy, knowing that this is where she was going to die.

"Consider this the final battle," Hope said as she took a deep breath to hide the sadness in her voice.

"Indeed it will be," the fairy said, then shot a ball of magic at her. Hope fired back, then Hook and Emma stood in front of her.

"You guys need to move! Go!" Hope yelled at them. They didn't listen, then Fiona threw another ball of magic. Hope pushes through her parents and took the hit and fell to the ground.

"Hope!" Emma called out. She and Killian fell to their knees and he picked up her head.

"Wake up, little lass," Hook said. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the Black Fairy who was also on the ground, unconscious. Hope faintly smiled as she looked back at her parents. After a few seconds, they all got up again.

"Smart girl. Perhaps the final battle will have to be put on hold, but that hardly means that I can't hurt those you love," the fairy said and disappeared.

"What did you do?" Emma inquired.

"Nothing, can we go home?" Hope asked.

"You did something, little lass. Otherwise, we would still be fighting that bloody fairy," Killian said.

"I want to go home," she told them. Emma and Hook looked at each other, then followed the little girl back home.

"Hope! I thought you were dead!" Oliver said and bear hugged her.

"Shush," she whispered in his ear, then pulled back.

"Why would you think that?" Hook asked.

"Because she did some kind of spell that linked her life to the Black Fairy's."

"Oliver!" Hope yelled.

"What?" Emma asked.

"He doesn't know what he's talking about. He thinks that because he saw a feather of a crow that came in during the curse," she said and held it up. Killian tried to take it from her, but she quickly threw it out the window into the wind.

"Bloody hell, lass. You need to undo this," he told her.

"I can't," Hope finally said. Emma stood up and put a protection spell on the house.

"What are you doing?" Killian asked.

"I'll be right back,"she said and left the house. Hope tried to run after her, but bumped into a shield.

"Daddy, come here," Hope said. He furrowed his brows, but went to her anyway. She grabbed his hook with one hand and put the other hand on the door.

"Love?" He asked as she focused on breaking the spell. Unfortunately, it didn't work and they were flown back.

"What were you trying to do?" Killian said and helped Hope onto her feet.

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