To The Hospital

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"Mommy, wake up!" Hope said as she jerked awake, shaking her mothers shoulders. The Black Fairy stood at the foot of the bed, but Emma never woke up.

"There is no use in trying, child. I put her under a sleeping curse, therefore you may never see either of your parents again. True love's kiss and all. So, if you wish me to lift this curse, give me your magic. It will only work if you are willing to give it up," the fairy commanded. Hope looked back at her mom, who was still in a deep sleep, then got out of the bed.

"Promise me you'll wake her up."

"I give you my word," she said and held out her hands. Hope slowly put her hands in the fairy's, then felt excruciating pain flow throughout her body.

Hope jolted awake, then looked beside her.

"Mommy!" She yelled and shook her. Emma groaned then turned toward the little girl.

"Hope, what's wrong?"

Hope laughed in relief, then looked at her palms. She pulled her hand back and threw a ball of magic at the wall, testing to see if it was still there.

"What the hell?" Emma asked as three picture frames fell to the floor.


Emma and Hope got out of bed, then Emma put the pictures back up.

"Are you okay?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, I just had a bad dream," Hope replied, then they went downstairs.

Hope went to the kitchen and put a chair in front of the cabinet where the bowls were. When she opened it, a bowl fell out and shattered on the floor. She quickly used her magic to clean it up before her mother came in.

"What just happened?"

"Nothing," she said as she stood on the chair.

"Really?" Emma asked her with a sarcastic tone.


Emma shook her head with a slight smile, then put Hope on the ground and gave her a bowl.

"Maybe I should do it. You seem to be a bit off today," Emma said and poured the cereal and milk. The phone started to ring, so she handed Hope the bowl and answered it.


Hope looked at her mom who had a face full of terror.

"Okay, thanks. Bye," she said and slowly put the phone down.

"Mommy, who was that?" Hope asked. A tear fell from her eye, then she grabbed both of their jackets.

"Where are we going?" Hope asked.

"To the hospital."

"Why are you crying?" Hope questioned as they walked towards Hook's room.

"Hospitals are a sad place," Emma answered. Hope furrowed her brows, knowing that it wasn't she was crying. They got to Killian's room and saw him laying there without a twitch of movement, then Emma cried even more. By this time, Hope was crying too because she knew what was happening. They went to say their goodbyes.

"Killian," Emma said and cried on his chest for a few minutes. Hope got on the bed and hugged them both. A tear fell off of her cheek, then she got up and wiped her eyes. She created a portal to the Enchanted Forest, thinking of changing the past.

"Hope!" Emma yelled.

"Emma?" Killian asked, waking up. Hope whipped her head back at her parents, seeing both of them watch her with wide eyes.

"Daddy?" Hope said, then slipped on ground, almost getting sucked into the portal. She held onto the leg of the bed, but her grip was weakening.

"Hang on!" Killian yelled, then both parents got to her as quickly as they could. He held out his hook to her, which she grabbed. Suddenly, all three of them fell through.

They landed on the ground in a pile of dirt. They all stood up and groaned. Hope stood silent, feeling guilty of what she did, though Emma and Killian shared a hug. Hook held out his hand for Hope to join, but she backed away from him.

"What's wrong, little lass?" He questioned.

"Nothing," she said, trying to make it as believable as possible, then Emma bent down to her.

"Have you forgotten about my superpower? What's wrong?" She repeated. Hope stood there as Hook and Emma watched her, then she shook her head.

"It's silly. We should find a way back home," Hope responded, then quickly walked away, leaving her parents behind.

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