We Must Be Lost

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They all walked out of the hospital and Hope followed Emma and Killian out to the bug. She stopped on the sidewalk when Killian opened the door for Emma and they got in, then watched as her parents faded from sight. She felt her eyes begin to tear up as she looked at the ground.

Will I ever wake up?

She had a feeling she knew what the answer was, but refused to actually answer it. She closed her eyes, then opened them. When she did, she noticed a piece of paper blowing against the front of her boot. Hope picked it up and looked at it.

Come to Captain Hook's ship.

She looked up to see if there was anybody around that could've sent it, then started walking towards the ship.

She got on and looked around.

"Hello, dear," a woman said with a smile. She had a black costume on with feathers on almost every part of it.

"What are you?" Hope asked.

"I am not a what, but rather a who."

"Okay, who are you then, and how can you see me?"

"I'm a fairy, and I'm here to help," the woman said. Hope looked from her head to her toes, then back up.

"I'm not interested," Hope told her, then began to exit the boat.

"Not even if I'm the only way for you to return to your loved ones?"

"I can find another way."

"Is that so?" The lady questioned, then poofed in front of Hope.

"Yes, anything is better than working with the black fairy. How did you come back to life anyway? You're dead in Henry's book," Hope said.

"Technically, I am dead, only you can see me."

"Does that mean that I'm dead too?" She asked with fright.

"No, dear. Think of yourself as being on the border of life and death, and I'm the only one who could bring you back to life."

"What? No. I have to go find a way to get back to my family, without darkness," Hope said then stormed off.

She went to her house to see what her parents were doing. They had the television on, but were not watching it. They were both looking out different windows, then Emma got up and gave Killian a kiss on the cheek.

"Good night," she said and went to the bedroom. Hook gave her a soft smile, then continued to look out of the window at the moonlight reflecting off the water.

"I know you can't hear me Daddy, but I am coming back," Hope said, then went to see her mother again.

Emma was laying down with tears trailing down her cheeks.

"I don't like it when you cry," Hope said. Emma sniffled then turned over and closed her eyes.

Hope left the house and started to walk to down the sidewalk with her hands in her pockets.

"Over there!" She heard a familiar voice say, followed by footsteps hitting the ground. She looked over and saw a group of boys running into Gold's shop, then she ran after them.

"Get that, we'll need it," the same voice said. Hope squinted to get a better look at their face, then she gasped in shock.

"Oliver?" She said in realization. He was robbing the shop.

"Oh, there it is," another boy said and reached over for the coconut Pan was trapped in. Hope quickly slapped it out of his hands, causing a loud noise as it hit the ground. Luckily, Rumple put a spell on it to make sure it could not open. All the boys froze and looked at each other in silence.

"What do you think you all are doing?" Gold asked, emerging from the back. All of their mouths fell agape at the sight of the Dark One.

"Oh, sorry, our mistake. We must be lost."

Gold looked at them for a second, then let out a small laugh.

"Funny choice of words," he told them, then waved his hand from one side to the other. They were all trapped in a spell. When they all had each other's attention, Hope snuck behind Gold and grabbed the coconut, then ran out of the shop.

She went to the docks and got on her dad's ship, then chucked the coconut as far as she could into the ocean.

"What the hell was that?" Killian asked, staring into the sky where the coconut flew into the water. His face went straight, then he looked around.

"Hope?" He asked. She looked around and saw a match, then lit it and a candle. His eyes quickly shifted to the light, then continued to look around the ship.

"Where are you, darling?" Hook questioned. While he continued looking, Hope wrote a letter on an old piece of paper and crumbled it up, then threw it at her father's face and laughed. He jumped, then looked down at the ball with a smile. He picked it up and opened it.

I think that I'm getting some powers back and I'm trying to come back, but there's something bad I need to tell you. The lost boys from Neverland are here and they aren't being nice. I saw them in Gold's shop and they were trying to steal from him. I don't know what else to write down, but I miss you and Mommy.

Killian folded up the note and put it in his pocket.

"Don't worry, love, we won't let anything happen in to this town. You're mother and I miss you very much as well, so keep trying your hardest to get back to us, alright?" He asked and Hope smiled to herself. He climbed the ladder, then stopped on the very top.

"I love you, Hope," he said, then left.

"I love you too, Daddy," Hope whispered, then blew out the candle.

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