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"I do the opposite of saving, I get people locked up, including myself," Emma said.

"No, that was your life before you came to Storybrooke. Geez, you'd think I'd be a pro at making you guys remember your real lives by now," Hope said.

"Hope, darling, we must be going back to the hospital. I was frightened when they called and said that you had left," Fiona said, coming through the door.

"I know," Hope told her with anger.

"Alright then, come along," the woman said and held out her hand.

"No, I know everything. Looks like your plan failed, again," she said.

"You must be running a fever," Fiona said and put her hand on Hope's head. She smacked it away and stared at her with rage.

"Don't touch me, Black Fairy. You can't win. They might not remember who they are right now, but they will, I'll make them remember. I'll make my real family remember," she said and hugged both Emma and Rogers, holding on tightly.

"Black Fairy? We should set up an appointment for Dr. Hopper. Please, let's go," she said and took Hope's hand.

"Don't let her take me, Mommy."

"I'm sorry, Hope, but-"

"Daddy, please!" She yelled and held onto his shirt while Fiona was trying to drag her away. Hope eventually let go and Fiona dropped her hand. Hope burned her using magic.

"Ah!" The woman yelled and Hope ran out.

"What just happened?" Emma asked.

"I, uh," she stuttered.

"She's troubled, please try to convince her that she should get some counseling. She will not listen to me, but I think she will you," Fiona said, then left the building.

"What the hell was that about?" Emma asked Rogers.

"Not sure, but we are going to look into it. There is definitely something going on between them."


"Aye," Rogers said and smiled at her, and they went to look for the little girl.

They found her sitting on a bench by the water with her legs crossed.

"Hope?" Emma said. The little girl turned around and half smiled.

"You think I'm crazy, don't you? That's what she told you, right?" She questioned. Rogers and Emma stayed silent and looked at each other, then Hope turned back around and faced the water.

"We don't think you're crazy, Hope. Perhaps we could take a DNA test to see if this is true?" Rogers said. Hope got up and faced them again.

"Why does everyone have to have proof to believe anything anymore? The truth is right in front of you, you're blinded from it because you don't have faith," Hope explained. Rogers and Emma looked at the features of the little girl, noticing the resemblance of both of them in her; her bright blue eyes, her button nose, her thin lips.

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