I Am Home

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Emma stood there confused, as did Henry and Hook. They pulled the ship close enough on shore to where it wouldn't float away.

"I'll go after her and you guys find Pan," Emma said and began heading in the direction Hope ran off, but Killian grabbed her arm.

"Love, is that really a good idea?"

"Got a better one?"

"Actually, yes. We stay together, like you said before," he told her.

"I agree with Hook, Mom," Henry said.

"Okay, then let's go."

Hope found Peter and tapped his shoulder.

"Ah, Hopeless. Nice to see you again."

"We have a problem."

Pan turned around completely and walked with her to the side.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Emma, Henry, and Hook are here."

Pan's face went cold, and he picked up his sharpened stick, then headed off to the shore. Hope stayed back with the rest of the lost boys.

Pan climbed a tree and waited for their presence. He began to hear their voices, then saw Henry and jumped down, startling the three.

"Where's my daughter?" Emma commanded.

"Oh, the small child who I kidnapped yesterday?" Pan asked with a witty voice. Emma looked down and picked up a broken stick with a sharp point, and stomped closer to him, but Killian held her back.

"There's no reason to cause more conflict than there is already."

Emma looked back at him with an angry face, while Pan stood there with a wide smile.

"Now, tell us where she is," Hook said.

"I have no problem telling you, but she wants nothing to do with you. You're all wasting your time coming here."

Suddenly, Hope jumped from the tree and landed next to Pan. Emma walked up to her and squeezed her between her arms, but Hope pushed her away.

"Why are you here?" She asked. Killian and Emma stood frozen, but Henry walked up to her and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Whatever he told you, don't believe it. He's tricking you against us," he told her.

"He didn't have to tell me anything. If you guys really wanted me, you would've came when I was first taken, and you didn't."

"No, Pan's shadow took you yesterday. You've only been here for one night."

"Why does everyone say that? I remember everything that happened since you abandoned me."

"Because he did something to you, he replaced your memories with magic. None of it is real, you have to trust me. I know how it feels to think that you've been left alone on this island. I know exactly how you feel right now," he said. Hope backed away from him.

"Pan has no magic on this island, and they didn't leave you for almost two years. I'm happy here by myself, so all of you need to leave, and forget about me," Hope said and dashed into the woods. Pan still stood there with a smirk, until Hook pulled out his sword and held it against his throat.

"Whatever you did to my little girl, fix it, or I won't be the only one on this island that is missing a hand," he threatened.

"I'm not afraid of you, Captain. You won't kill me because you need me alive if you want to bring your daughter home," Pan told him and pushed the sword away.

"What do you want with her?" Killian asked.

"I don't want anything to do with her, all I want is to see you suffer, which I'm excelling at I might add."

"Then take me instead."

"Killian, no. You can't do that," Emma said.

"I have to, love," Hook said, and Pan laughed.

"Don't you get it? Hopeless is the best leverage I have against you. Why would I ever give her up?" He asked.


"Oh yeah, she decided that Hopeless was much more suited for her. Well, I must get back to the boys, they need their apples," Pan said and walked away. The three of them started to make a shelter, then heard a twig snap.

"Who's there?"

Hook pulled out his sword and Emma and Henry put their fists up. A little boy emerged from the trees and went wide eyed at the blade that was millimeters from his face.

"I'm not here to hurt you guys, I'm here because of Hope," Oliver said. Killian put his sword away and Emma flicked her wrist to start the fire.

"What do you know of her?"

"When she first got here, we became friends and she helped me escape Pan, but in the morning she woke up and had a completely different attitude. I think he cast a spell on her," he explained.

"Do you know where she could be?" Henry asked him.

"Maybe. Pan has a treehouse that he keeps all of his special things at. I saw her coming out of it earlier," Oliver told them.

"Okay, I know what he's talking about. I'll go and check it out, you guys stay here."

"We're coming with you, lad."

"No, Killian, you go with him. I'll stay here and watch over the camp," Emma said.

"Are you sure?"

"I can protect myself," she said, then held up her hand and a stick flew into it. Hook smiled, then kissed her.

"We'll be back, lass."

"It's doesn't seem that your family is planning to leave anytime soon," Pan said to Hope as she continued sharpening a bamboo stick.

"They will."

"Are you certain?"

"Yes, I am. Once they realize I want nothing to do with them," she told him and set down the finished spear.

"Alright, well I'll go fetch some berries," Pan said and left. She sat in the straw chair in the treehouse, looking around. She furrowed her eyes when she saw a doll, and got up. She picked it up, then dropped it instantly when it shocked her.

"Hope!" Henry said, running inside.

"You have to go," she told him, then her father walked in.

"Please come home, little lass," he begged.

"I am home."

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