Product of True Love

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After a long day on the sea, Killian, Emma, and Hope went back to their old home.

"It's so big!" Hope said, then let go of her parents hands and ran in the door. She ran into every room and up the stairs. She tripped, but got right back up and opened the door to an empty room. Hope turned around, expecting to see Emma and Hook, but they weren't there, so she went back downstairs.

"Mommy?" She said, peeking around the corner to the kitchen. Hope noticed the front door was still open, which made her think they didn't come in. She ran out the door and in a random direction.

"Mommy! Daddy!" She yelled. Nobody was in sight. Hope started to cry, but kept running. She saw Henry laying in the middle of the street, and she jumped on top of him, trying to wake him up. He groaned and looked at the tiny bundle of energy.

"Hope, what happened?" He asked and leaned up. She stood up and looked at him as he covered his forehead with his hand.

"I don't know, Mommy and Daddy just disappeared, and everyone else is gone too," she said between sobs.

"It's going to be okay," he tried comforting her. He removed his hand from his head and saw blood.

"Oh no, are you okay?" Hope asked her brother and looked at the wound. She put her hands above it and light started to shine. She quickly pulled her hands back and saw that the gash was healed. Henry looked at her with his mouth agape.

"Did I do that?" She asked in fear, then he smiled and pulled her up onto her feet.

"You did," he told her and smiled.

"But I don't-" she stopped. Hope didn't know what to say.

"You're the product of true love, Hope. It's a good thing, we can use it to find out what happened to our mom and the rest of the town," he said and grabbed her hand and headed to Gold's shop.

"This place looks old," she said.

"Well, it's owned by a very old man, my grandfather," he said to her. He let go of her hand and went into the back. She looked around and saw a dock of wands.

"Are these real?" She questioned. Henry didn't hear her, so she picked one up and started to play with it.

"Take me to my parents," she said playfully as she waved it over her head. Suddenly, a funnel formed in front of her and she screamed. Henry ran from the back with a bottle in his hands.

"Grab onto something!" He yelled. She held on tight to the table leg, but the wind from it started to get stronger.

"I'm not strong enough!" She yelled back, then let go.

"Hope!" Henry exclaimed before throwing the bottle and jumping in after her.

They landed on the ground in the woods of the Enchanted Forest.

"Where did we go?" She asked. He helped her up and they looked around.

"The Enchanted Forest," he answered. They started to walk along the path, until a horse carriage stopped them. They stared at it as they waited for someone to come out.

"Who are you and why are you in my way?" The Evil Queen asked.

"Hey, it's your mom!" Hope exclaimed. Regina looked at her and furrowed her brows.

"I have no children, little girl, and you didn't answer my question," she said. Hope looked at her with shock.

"I'm Henry, and this is Hope," he said and put his hands on his sisters shoulders.

"And we come from a different realm. We are trying to get back home," he explained. Regina looked at them both from top to bottom, then scoffed.

"Well, take another route, this one is mine," she said and went back into her carriage. She left and Henry exhaled.

"Why was she so mean?" Hope asked.

"Because she's the Evil Queen," he answered.

"Wait, the stories are real? I thought Daddy was kidding when he said he was Captain Hook," she said and he shook his head.

"Every character in your bedtime stories are real people," he told her, and she jumped in excitement.

"That's so cool!" She said.

They kept walking until they reached the end of the forest and saw the castle.

"Woah, can we go?" She asked.

"After you," Henry said and she smiled at him.

They reached the entrance of the castle and saw the guard with spears in their hands, which were immediately pointed at them, causing Hope to scream.

"Who are you?" One of the guards asked.

"We came to deliver the queen a message, or warning. I can assure you that she will want to hear from us," Henry told him. The guards were hesitant, but they let them through.

Snow and Charming were standing in a room with the door wide open, welcoming any guest.

"Grandma!" Hope said and gave Snow a tight hug. Snow looked down and giggled.

"Grandma? Do I look that old?" She asked playfully.

"No, you're beautiful," Hope said and smiled, then looked at Charming and gave him a hug.

"And you're charming!" Hope said and laughed at her own joke.

Henry walked in and grabbed Hope's hand.

"Sorry, she's a bit inviting," Henry said.

"You must be her father, it's nice to meet you," David said and held out his hand.

"Oh, no. I'm her brother," he said.

"Well, she's a cute one. Do you mind me asking what you came here for?"

"Uh," Henry said, looking for something to say.

"We came to meet Princess Emma. I've always wanted to meet her," Hope jumped in, and Henry raised his brows.

"I told her that I would try to let her meet the princess for her birthday," Henry told him. Snow smiled and grabbed each of their hands.

"Well, then the princess you shall meet," she said and guided them to the stairs.

"Her room is on the right, next to the ballroom," Snow said, then walked away.

"When you see her, you can't call her mommy, okay?" Henry said and grabbed her hands.


They went up the wide steps and went to the door, and saw Emma with a tote over her shoulder, sitting on the edge of the windowsill, getting ready to jump out.

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