Where Did My Daddy Go?

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"Look at this, Swan," Hook said and handed her the note Hope had written. She read it and looked up with a smile.

"Where did you get this?"

"Last night when I was strolling around, I saw something fly across the sky into the water. I went onto the Jolly Roger and it was balled up and thrown at my face," he explained, the Emma's smile faded away.

"She said that the lost boys are in Storybrooke."

"Aye, I know. How do you suppose we go about getting rid of them?"

"Maybe Hope could help us somehow."

"Mom, we have to try," Henry said to Regina.

"I have no idea what will happen if this doesn't work, and has Emma agreed to this?"

"Not yet, but I'm sure she would give up her magic to save Hope."

Regina continued enchanting to charm made of glass, then Emma and Killian walked in.

"What the bloody hell is that thing?"

"Mom, we found a way to bring Hope back," Henry said. Killian and Emma stared at him, waiting for an answer. He picked up the magical object and handed it to her.

"It allows you to transfer your magic to someone else, even if they aren't here," he explained.

"Well, let's do it."

"All of you magic," Regina said. They all fell silent, then Emma tightly grabbed the object with both hands.

"I don't care, I want my daughter back."

The object glowed, the lights flickered, and noise was growing louder. Suddenly, it all stopped and Emma fell on the ground.

"Swan!" Killian yelled then wrapped his arms around her. He checked to see if she was breathing, and she wasn't. He froze, then got up and looked straight into Regina's eyes.

"What did you do?" He demanded. David, Snow, and Henry leaned down at her body while Regina watched, standing.

"I had no idea it would do this," Regina said with complete regret and remorse spilling from her mouth. Killian gave her the evil eye for a second more, then looked back at his wife and began to cry. He left before anyone could see the tears and went to the water.

"Hope, I'm sorry," Killian said through the lump in his throat that only grew bigger after every word.

"We couldn't bring you back, and now we've lost you mother as well."

Hook picked up a barrel and threw it across the deck, then fell to the ground. He sobbed to himself silently before standing up, showing no sign of emotion besides the wet marks on his cheeks. Without hesitation, he untied the ship from the dock and sailed away from Storybrooke, leaving it for only a memory.

In the Charming household, Snow, David, and Henry didn't speak a word. They had no idea how to explain the way they felt.

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