Little Lass

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Hope woke up and saw Emma and Rogers sitting on each side of her bed, each holding one hand.

"Hey, kid. How're you feeling?" Emma asked.

"Tired. What happened?"

"You tripped and fell in the woods earlier and lost a lot of blood. You need to get some rest, little lass," Rogers said, which triggered something in her brain.

"Say that again," she said.


"What you just said," Hope told him.

"You mean little-"

"Hope! I'm so happy you're awake!" Fiona said, walking in with a tray of food. She set in on the table and glared at the two on her bed.

"Visiting hours are over, shoo along now," she told them.

"But I want them here," Hope said.

"I'm sorry Sweetie, but I need to discuss family matters with you," the woman said and looked back at Emma and Rogers, who were still sitting on her bed. They let go of her hands, then left the room.

"How can you say that you're my mother when you have no proof? How could the doctors even let you in here?"

"I don't want to go through this again with you, Hope. I just want you to remember," Fiona said. She grabbed an orange and handed it to her.

"I don't want that, I just want to sleep," Hope said, then the woman stood up.

"Okay, press this button when you wake up, okay? I'll be right here when you do."

Hope watched as her 'mother' left the room, then started to repeat Rogers words in her head.

Little lass.

Why did these words cling to her? What did they mean, if they had a meaning at all?

Hope got up and ripped the cords from her arms, wincing a bit. She was determined to know the truth. Nothing felt right to her, she didn't feel normal.

Hope let her mind guide her to Gold's shop.

"Come to return what you stole from me?" Gold asked.

"Yeah, later. I have a question: is this real?"

He gave her a confused face, then leaned on his other foot using his cane.

"Whatever do you mean, little one?"

"It's like I'm dreaming or something, and I don't like it. Something told me to come here for answers. I thought you could help me," she said.

"Well, that something was incorrect. I have no idea what you are talking about," he told her. She ran behind him and into the back of the shop. There was magic surrounding the place.

"What is this?"

"You've always been a perspective one, haven't you?" He said as he stood by the entrance.

"This is magic, isn't it," she said as if it were a statement. Suddenly, all of her memories came rushing back, making her a bit dizzy.

"Indeed it is. What do you plan to do with this information now?"

"I'm going to go find my mommy and daddy," she said and left the shop.

"Hope, didn't I just tell you that you needed some rest?" Rogers asked, bumping into her.

"No, I'm okay. I know everything now, I know why it never made any sense!" She exclaimed.

"What are you talking about?"

"This isn't real. Our lives were... manipulated by the Black Fairy. She did this to us because she wants my powers."

"You aren't making any sense, love."

"Of course I'm not, yet. Where's Mommy?" She asked.

"Fiona? She just went back to your house."

"No, not her. Emma, where is she?" She questioned.

"She is at Granny's. You think that Emma Swan is your mother?" Rogers asked.

"No, I know she is, and I know that you're my dad, too. I know I sound like I'm crazy, but you have to trust me, please."

"Swan- I-" he stuttered.

"Come on, we have to fix this. I don't like it," she said and took his hand, dragging him to the diner.

"Woah, hey kid. Shouldn't you be, like, in the hospital?"

"No, I'm okay, you tell her," Hope told Rogers. He was still shaken up by the fact that this little girl just told him that he was the father of Emma's child.

"What, Rogers?" She asked.

"No, it's Killian Jones. You're Emma Swan-Jones and I'm Hope Swan-Jones."

"Uhm, what?"

"Don't you get it? This isn't real. These names that the Black Fairy gave you all have a meaning behind them because she has a flair for irony. Rogers was given to you because you are Captain Hook, captain of the Jolly Roger, Gold is Gold because he's Rumplestiltskin, the one who spins straw into gold, Ruby is Little Red Riding Hood," Hope tried to explain.

"Uh huh, and why are you Hope?"

"She didn't name me, you did, you both did. For grandma, she always talks about hope. That's how we all stick together."

Emma and Rogers shared a look, then looked back at the child.

"So, who am I?" Emma asked.

"You are the one who is going to save us all, they way you did the first two times."

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