You Know My Dad?

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Emma walked in her apartment with Hope's hand in hers and saw Henry waiting on the couch. He stood up and looked at the tiny girl.

"Mommy, who's that?" Hope asked and hid behind Emma's leg.

"It's okay, he's your brother," she reassured her. Henry kneeled down and smiled at her. She looked up at Emma, then ran into Henry's arms.

"What's your name?" She asked as she pulled back.

"Henry, what's yours?" He asked her, even though he knew the answer.

"My name is Hope. Do you want to live with us? You can share a room with me!" She said and started hopping with joy.

"I already have a home, and that's what I came for actually. Why don't you guys come back with me?" He asked, facing his sister, but looking at Emma.

"Let's go!" Hope said, then ran to her room to pack everything she wanted.

"I can't go back to Storybrooke," Emma told him.

"Why not? Everybody misses you, and I'm sure Hope wouldn't mind meeting her dad," he said.

"You know my dad?" Hope asked as she came out with her tiny suitcase. They both looked at her as she waited for an answer.

"He does, and we are going to meet him," Emma said, then Henry looked at her in shock.

"Wait, really?" He asked. Emma nodded and went to pack her things.

"So, what's it like where you live?" Hope asked Henry, plopping down right beside him on the sofa.

"Well, there's a lot of family there that I'm sure can't wait to meet you," he told her and grinned.

"Really?" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, and there's a pirate ship on the water that you can ride," he went on. Emma came out with her things and they all went out to her bug.

"Is that August's motorcycle?" Emma asked, looking at the bike in front of her car. Henry picked up the helmet, then jumped on.

"Nope, it's mine," he said and drove away.

"That's so cool! I want to ride a motorcycle!" Hope said, then got in the car while Emma put their things in the trunk.

"You're going to do a lot more than that," Emma told her, then drove off.

"Henry just called, he said that Emma was coming back," David said, and Killian eyes went wide.

"Are you serious?" he asked. Snow smiled at him and gave him a hug.

"She's coming home," she told him, then let go. He looked down and a smile grew wide on his face. He'd been waiting to hear those words for a very long time.

"Do you know when she'll be here?" Snow asked her husband.

"No, but," David said before a loud motorcycle drove down Main Street. Killian got up and ran outside, followed by the others. They all watched as the yellow bug tailed Henry. They came to a stop and Emma got out of the car.

"Swan," Killian said and laughed, then picked her up and spun her around.

"I'm sorry," she said when he set her back on her feet.

"Why did you go?" he asked in all seriousness. She didn't answer, then they heard a car door shut. Regina, Snow, David, and Hook all looked at the little girl who ran and hid behind Emma's leg with their mouths agape. Her piercing blue eyes scanned the unfamiliar people that stood in front of her mother.

"Who's this?" Regina asked. Snow and David looked at Emma, but Killian kept his eyes glued to the child.

"Her name is Hope, she's my daughter," Emma explained. Hook stared into the eyes that mirrored his own, then looked back up at Emma.

"Who's her father?" He asked. He knew by her looks that she had to be his, but he asked anyway.

"You are," she told him. Emma looked into his eyes, trying to figure out what he was thinking, but couldn't find an answer. Hope came out from behind Emma, and walked up to Killian.

"You're my daddy?" she timidly asked. Hook leaned down and came face to face with her.

"That's right, little lass," he said and smiled at her. She returned one and wrapped her arms around his neck. Killian didn't know what to do, but he hugged her back with his right arm, leaving his hook at his side. Hope looked down at it and jumped back.

"What's that?" she asked him.

"I lost a hand long ago, so I replaced it with a hook from my ship," he told her softly. Hope looked back into his eyes and smiled.

"You remind me of the bedtime story Mommy reads to me at night. It's about a pirate named Captain Hook who is really mean, but I think that no one is born mean, they turn that way because their feelings got hurt. That's what Momma told me," Hope said. They all looked at her in awe, and Killian looked at Emma with a smile.

"Did she indeed?" Hook questioned.

"Mhm," Hope mumbled, then walked up to Snow and Charming.

"Hi Sweetie, I'm your grandma, and this is your grandpa," Mary-Margaret said after she leaned down. David leaned down too and grinned at her.

"Hi," she said back, and they both pulled her into a hug. As Hope greeted everyone, Killian walked up to Emma.

"She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, Swan," he told her, then wrapped his arm around her waist.

"She has your eyes," Emma agreed. They both watched their daughter in awe as she jumped around meeting her new family. Emma looked down and frowned.

"I'm sorry for leaving," she said.

"You already said that, love," Killian told her.

"I know, it's just," she stammered.

"What is it?"

"I shouldn't have taken her away from you," Emma explained.

"It's alright Swan, we are together now," he told her and grinned. Hook leaned down and met his lips with hers, then was interrupted.

"Ew, Mommy and Daddy are kissing," Hope said. They pulled apart from each other and smiled at their daughter.

"Maybe you would prefer to go sailing on my ship then?" Killian asked and picked her up, then sat her on his shoulder.

"You are Captain Hook!" She exclaimed and giggled.

"Aye," he told her, then they went for a ride on his pirate ship.

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