Are You Emma Swan?

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The entire Charming family gathered at Granny's to celebrate the return of Emma, Hook, and Hope once more since the last time didn't go as planned.

"Here's to the Swan-Jones famil-"

"Everyone stop!" Oliver yelled, busting through the door, and they did. All of their smiles quickly turned into frowns.

"What you all are doing is pointless. No matter how much you try, not one person in this room will ever be truly happy. You're tricking yourselves into thinking that, which makes it even more sad. Family will turn on you when you least expect it. I'm just trying to help you realize it now so you won't be destroyed when it does happen."

Everyone looked around, confused at the random speech given from the little boy.

"You can't just come in here and ruin our fun because you never learned to have any," Grumpy said. Everyone but Hope began to nod in agreement, but she looked deep into his eyes and saw that what Grumpy said was actually hurtful to Oliver. He looked at them one more time, then left. Hope began after him, but Killian put his hand on her shoulder.

"Where are you going?"

She shooed his hand off, then continued. Oliver was about to turn the corner, and Hope ran up to him and turned him around to face her.

"Oh, so you've come to hear more about how you will always be alone? If so, I have many explanations."

"What's wrong?" Hope asked, totally ignoring him. Oliver was taken aback by what she said, but carried on.

"Nothing is wrong with me, I've accepted the truth. What's wrong is all of you," he said.

"Kudos to your acting, Oliver, but I can see right through you. You're hiding something."

"What could I possibly be hiding? I just told your whole family what I thought."

Hope stood there for a second before widening her eyes.

"You're working with the Black Fairy, aren't you? She's making you do all of this so you could get off of Neverland," she said.

"I never said any of that," Oliver quickly told her.

"You didn't need to, but you do need to tell me what she's planning."

"I don't know," he finally confessed.

"I knew it," Hope said to herself.

"I'm not helping her by choice. I wouldn't have done all of those things if I did."

"You have a choice, you just chose the easier way. You should've asked for help," she told him.

"I'm sorry."

Suddenly, the Black Fairy appeared.

"You've failed, Oliver, now it's up to me to take the hope from Hope," she said and waved her wand above the two children. A cloud swirled around them, then it disappeared, as did the fairy.

"What'd she even do?" Oliver asked. Hope looked around at the town and saw Archie walking Pongo and ran up to him, followed by Oliver.

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