"No bother" he replied, patting my back.

Jack went off in search of Ruby.

To be honest, I couldn't see anyone getting through to her.

Ruby's POV

There was an arcade hangout within the building. As soon as I saw that one of them was out of order, I sat in the box like arcade game, hoping to get some time myself.

I sat with my knees to my chest and stared at the floor as if I'd never seen floor before. I just needed to think. Like really think.

"Quite a good hiding place you've got here"

I looked up to see Jack.

"What do you want?" I mumbled. "I just wanna be left alone"

Jack sat next to me cross-legged.

"You think that now" he said. "But sometimes loneliness can make stuff worse."

I scoffed.

"I've been lonely ever since my mum died" I scoffed. "Don't worry; I can handle a few extra minutes"

"You might feel lonely" he said, calmly. "But trust me, you're not"

I sighed.

"One: i'm not gonna trust you, especially as i've only known you for like, an hour" I said sternly, getting my point across. "And two: yes I am lonely."

"You have your da-"

"Don't even think about calling him my dad!" I said sterner than ever.

Jack held his hands up in surrender.

"Right ok" he said, lowering his hands. "Won't say that word anymore. Feel like you'll chop my head off if I do"

I couldn't help but smile at his reply.

"Wow, a smile" Jack said, faking being shocked. "That's the first time i've ever seen you smile. You've looked desperate to leave the whole time you've been here"

"That's because I have been desperate to leave" I said, honestly.

"Why?" he asked.

I gave him a you know why look.

"Don't give me that look" he said. "Come on, explain what's on your mind"

I sighed.

"Well for a starters you're all annoying the hell outta me" I said blankly.

Jack let out a chuckle.

"Trust me, that's not the first time i've heard that" he laughed.

"It's not really you" I sighed. "You haven't been getting in my face much. But the others are just irritating the hell out of me"

"You'll get used to it" he chuckled.

I looked down at the floor.

"Maybe I don't want to" I mumbled.

There was a silence for a minute.

"I'm sorry about your mum" Jack said, sounding sincere. "I didn't want to say it in front of everyone"

"Thanks" I sighed, staring at the floor.

"I know you've likely heard this before, or even heard it from himself, but Joe honestly really is trying, Ruby. He's just adjusting" Jack said.

This was what always annoyed me.

JOE'S trying.

JOE'S adjusting.

Joe wasn't the one who lost his mum!

"What about me!" I said sternly. "People don't think about me trying or me adjusting"

"Hey, hey" he said calmly. "I know you'd have tried. I'm not discounting you at all"

I sighed and continued to look at the ground, trying my very hardest not to show my weak side.

"Want some advice?" Jack asked me.

I might as well have said yes; he'd likely tell me anyway.

"Go on then" I sighed.

"Just take small steps" he suggested. "Nothing has to be rushed, especially something like this. Even if it just starts with you saying hi to him a few times a day"

I just shrugged in reply. It was much easier said than done.

"He loves you, you know" Jack said.

"Yeah sure" I scoffed.

"No look" Jack said, he showed me a text message from Joe to him.

Joe: Jack I missed so much. Her first word, first steps, first day of school. I don't care that I haven't known her long. I already love Ruby so much. I'd do anything for her. I'd die for her!

I read the text over and over, taking it all in.

"Maybe you just needed to see it to start to believe it" he said, giving a weak smile.

I shrugged.

"Now, we gonna go back for bowling?" Jack asked.

"I'll come" I said. "But I just wanna watch"

"That's fine" he said, getting up.

I got up with too and we began walking down to the others.

I may have still been angry and upset with Joe- more than words could describe- but if he did actually love me, was there hope for the future?

End of part 20


Long chapter alerttttttttttttttttttt! Well, until next time!

Rachel x

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