Part 43- A reason

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Ruby's POV

It was finally the day I was looking forward to most- my sleepover with Dani. I'd been excited all day. I'd organised beauty routines for us to do like manicures and facemasks, i'd put a load of rom-com films and horror films on my netflix list, our favourite genres, and I even got all her favourite sweets. I wanted everything to be perfect for her for some reason. Although the main reason Dani was coming over was to help me with maths, that was the part I forgot about. I just couldn't wait to have fun with her.


Dani was just about to arrive. I'd changed my outfit four times and I didn't even know why. All the clothes i'd usually wear didn't feel nice enough, but after the fourth try I eventually believed it was good enough. I had all my maths work set out on my bed so we could do it more or less straight away and get it out of the way.

As I was in my thoughts, the doorbell rang. Dani! I ran to the door and opened it quickly. It was Dani.

"Hi" I smiled.

"Hi" she said, smiling back and walking in.

Joe walked through just as I closed the door.

"And this must be the famous Dani i've heard so much about" Joe said, grinning.

I gave Joe a death stare. The sort of stare that meant, shut up and don't say another word.

"Well, we better go to my room" I said quickly. "Bye Joe"

"Trying to get rid of me already?" Joe laughed.

Dani and I went into my room.

"So, that's your dad" she said as we sat down.

A part from James, Dani was the only other friend I told about my situation. I trusted her; I knew she wouldn't tell anyone and I knew she respected me not wanting to talk about my past.

"Um yeah" I said. "But I just call him Joe"

"That's fine" she smiled. "So do you want to do the maths now and get it out of the way?"

"You read my mind" I laughed.


Dani and I were in the middle of eating pizza in my room that Joe ordered for us, whilst having 'the kissing booth' on in the background. I still felt really bad about James telling me about how Dani was being left out in the group. I really wanted her to feel like she had me.

"Um, so James told me the other girls seem to leave you out" I said.

She looked at me and I instantly panicked.

"W-we weren't talking about you nastily or anything" I said quickly. "He was just saying how you seemed to talk to me a lot and it was good"

"It's fine honestly" she said, smiling. "Yeah, I do feel left out at times"

"He said it was because Jade and Erin both have boyfriends" I said.

"Yep. They've tried setting me up, but it's not..." she sighed, taking a deep breath. "It's not my thing"

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to" I said.

"N-no honestly it's fine" she smiled. "I feel more comfortable talking to you than I ever have talking to the others"

"I feel comfortable talking to you too" I smiled shyly. "You made me feel really comfortable when I came to town with you all"

"I'm glad" she said.

There was a short, yet comfortable silence.

"If I tell you something, it'll stay between us, won't it?" Dani asked.

"Of course" I said.

She sighed.

"There's a reason i've never liked the dates Erin and Jade have set me up on" Dani sighed. "I've not told anyone. You're the first person i'm explaining it to. I'm not like how Erin and Jade are with dating"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I-" Dani said, sighing but making eye contact with me. "I'm gay"

End of part 43


Hi guys! Well, until next time!

Rachel x

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