"Don't look so weirded out, sis in law. They can't all be tens like you." Isaac winks at me, placing the glass of whiskey against his lips then taking a sip.

Leaning back on the chair, I'm soon pulled away from my thoughts with a hand on my shoulder.

"Aurora." Tristan calls. "There's someone here to see you." He teases making me look turn around and look back at him to see him standing with Mr and Mrs Harrison.

How did he...?

"I invited them." Tristan states as if he knew what I was thinking. "I wanted you to have some of the people you know here." He adds, in that deep husky voice of his. This was actually a pretty nice gesture. I stare over at Mr and Mrs Harrison as they smile widely at me.

"Aurora, we've missed you so much." Mrs Harrison utters, walking closer to me. "We're so happy to be here for your engagement." She chirps, oh if only she knew the truth.

"Thank you, I've missed you too. How are the kids?" I refer to the kids at the orphanage, the orphanage she and her husband own.

"They've not quite settled to the fact that you weren't dropping by. They'd always ask about you." Mr Harrison informs me and I frown.

"I-I'm so sorry, I'll be sure to do it soon. I miss them so much."

And the conversation carries on, they've filled me in on everything that's been happening and I've done the same, while keeping some details hidden of course.

Soon enough, Stella arrived and we carried on talking to pass the time. It felt just like I was home.

By then it was already close to midnight, and suprisingly everyone was still upbeat. Aren't they tired of drinking and chitchatting?

I, on the other hand, have been sitting down all night yet somehow I'm tired.

"Aurora." Tristan calls. If I'm being honest, I wish I can just avoid him all the time but he doesn't let me, he's always around. I wonder what he wants now.

"Come with me, my love." He grabs my hand and drags me to the center of the ball room, right under the chandelier as people gather around us.

Oh no.

I can feel my heart hammer relentlessly against my chest, my palms sweating and my legs shaking. The moment I've tried to postpone for so long, the moment I wish would never happen, was happening right now. It's all becoming a reality.
No matter how hard I tried to take my mind off of it, this was going to be my life.

Nervously rubbing my arm up and down, trying to ignore the fact that everyone's attention was on me, I glance at Tristan who is tugging on his suit jacket before getting down on one knee.

It's happening.

I can hear everyone gasping and whispering but my mind is not on that. I suddenly became oblivious to my surroundings. I was only fixated on the fact that he was claiming me as his, that I'm to be his wife.

"Aurora, my love, will you do me the honour of marrying me and becoming my wife?" He pulls out a velvet box and opens it, revealing the most beautifully crafted ring. It was a too big of a diamond if im being honest. It must've cost a lot.

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