Sixty Eight

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Hi Guys!

So it's been two and a half years.... sorry about that! I'm just going to publish what I have and give you guys an overview of what I had planned to happen! I hope you enjoy!


Ethan and I just landed in New Jersey from being in Hawaii for two weeks and my mom and dad are picking us up from the airport. We're at baggage claim and about 40 people have already come up to us asking for pictures and signatures. It's nice but at the same time kinda stressful because I'm tired and overwhelmed from being in Hawaii.

I see my bag coming around the bag carousel and I grab it while Ethan gets his from the other side. I wheel my bag over to where Ethan is and hold his hand until I see my mom and dad burst through the doors. They scan the room and I meet my moms eyes. She grabs my dads arm and she speed walks towards us.

"Brace yourself." I whisper to Ethan and he smirks. My mom comes running towards us with my dad in tow. When she reaches us she crashes into me and pulls me into an embrace. My dad and Ethan do a bro hug handshake thing and once my mom lets go of me she hugs Ethan and my dad hugs me.

"How was the honeymoon you two?" My mom winks and I suddenly feel uncomfortable. "It was good. We spent a lot of time at the beach and going out to amazing restaurants on the water." Ethan responds like my mom's wink didn't make him uncomfortable at all.

"Good good." She says and we start to walk out of the airport and towards my mom's car. "How's the pregnancy mom?" I ask her as my dad and Ethan put the bags into the car. "It's going well. Your dad and I found out that we're having a baby girl! We wanted to wait to find out but we just couldn't any more." My mom exclaims and I couldn't be more happy for her.

"That's so exciting Mom!" I hug her, well as much as you can hug a 6 month pregnant woman. "Thanks honey." She says and my dad comes around the corner of the car and tells us that we should get into the car.

Once we're all settled my dad asks Ethan "So son" you can tell he has been waiting all of our honeymoon to be able to say that "did you take Emma to the place I told you about?" I look at Ethan really confused but Ethan responds with "Yeah, she loved it."

I glare at Ethan to see if he'll lighten up and tell me but he just glares back at me in a mocking way. "Was Grayson absolutely miserable without us?" I ask knowing he definitely missed Ethan. "He sulked a lot while you were gone. At one point he printed a picture of the two of you out and just walked around holding it all day. It was a little odd but you know." My mom tells us and Ethan laughs.

"That sounds like him." I laugh at that as well. We chit chat for the rest of the car ride home. When we get to the apartment my dad parks the car in the lot and Ethan and my dad take care of the luggage.

We get everything, walk through the lobby and take the elevator up to the apartment. When we reach the door I get my key and unlock it and let everyone in before closing it behind me. Standing in the living is GRAYSON!

"GRAY!" Ethan and I scream in unison. We both run over to him and we do a little group hug. When we let go that's when I notice the camera. "Are you vlogging?" I asking him. He nods and I wave.


We landed yesterday and since then Ethan and I have just been adjusting to married life. I'm in the kitchen and Ethan sitting at the counter waiting for lunch. "Emma?" He asks. "Yes Ethan?" I respond and look back at him.


Emma gets pregnant, they end up having 4 kids together and move to a nice house in California on the beach!

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