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We are all currently in our apartment, except for Ethan and Grayson's grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousin because they had a plane to get on. I believe everyone is flying back to where ever they came from tomorrow. I am currently sitting on the couch next to Ethan and I open Twitter and type this,

June 1st, the day Ethan, Grayson and I graduated. The day I was Valedictorian. The day Ethan and I said 'I love you'. The day I finally grew up. 

I press tweet and it's gone. I close Twitter and open my camera. I tap on Ethan so he can see I want to take a picture and he smiles. I take the picture and I close my camera and open up Instagram. I select the picture, tag Ethan and type this caption,

Happy Graduation Day Ethan.

I post it, then I turn off my phone. My mom walks over to me and says, "Emmy, I really like your book and I think we should talk to someone about it." with a big smile on her face. "Thanks mom. Also I don't know anyone who can do that." I reply. "Don't worry I know a bunch." She says and hand me my notebooks.

"I'll be right back." I say while getting up to go put them in my room. I walk down the hall and into my room. When I get in there I see Alex feeding Matthew a bottle. I walk over to the stair and walk up them and place the notebooks on my bed. I walk back down them and sit down next to Alex on the couch.

"Alex, how are you doing?" I ask her because I'm concerned. "I'm doing better, Zac found out when we were eating lunch and I got a very angry text." She says, then gets her phone out and shows me what she means.

Zac: You son of a b****, why the f*** would you so this. B****, don't speak to me again.

"Wow." Is all that I can say. "I just can't wait to get away from all of this. I also want all custody of the children." She tells me. "You'll most likely get it." I say and notice Matthew is down with his bottle. "Let's go into the living room." I say getting up.

She gets up with Matthew in hand, which looks very hard for her considering she is 7 months pregnant, with triplets. We both walk out of my room and into the hallway which leads to living room and kitchen. I see Autumn sitting on a chair all by herself, so I walk over to her. I sit down across from her smile.

"Why are you all by yourself?" I ask. "Everyone else is mingling and I have no one." She tells me. "Awww Autumn, why don't you go talk to Grayson he's single and ready to mingle." I tell her. I found out after the dance that Aliyah and Grayson aren't dating, and juts went as friends. "Okay, I will." She replies getting up and walking over to him.

You're probably wondering why I get set my cousin up with my best friend. The truth is Matthew and Bobby are my mom's half-brothers. They all have the same father, but different mothers. So Autumn is my half-cousin.

My phone dings and it's Thomas.

Thomas: So you know how you said whenever I was in L.A. we should meet up some place, yeah, well I'm currently in an Uber coming for the airport.

I start typing really fast.

Emma: Oh my god, when do you want to meet up, there are so many amazing places you need to see.

Thomas: Is two days from now at 3 o'clock okay?

Today is June 1st, so two days from now would be June 3rd, which is a Sunday.

Emma: I believe so, but if I have to reschedule I'll let you know.

Thomas: Okay thanks. See you then. Also where are we meeting?

Emma: The Grove, you'll love it.

Thomas: Okay, see you then.

I am so excited to see Thomas again. I saw him two months ago when we went back to Jersey, but I haven't seen him since then. I text him everyday, but there is nothing like seeing someone in person. I turn off my phone and walk back over to where Ethan is still sitting.

He is currently looking at Grayson and Autumn flirt. "I'm sorry I had to play match maker." I say to him kindly. "It's fine, I just find it hilarious to see Grayson flirting and failing" He says with a smile. "So mean." I say laughing at him.

"Only to Grayson." He laughs. "Damn." I say laughing again. Lucy comes over to us and says, "I know you get this a lot, but I love you Ethan." "Thanks you Lucy." He says with a smile. "Do you mind if we take a picture?" Lucy asks him.

Lucy has had this huge obsession with Ethan for three years now, and I'm starting to get worried about her. Last summer I spent a week with Uncle Bobby and Uncle Matthew and Lucy's bedroom is filled with anything Ethan.


So sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted to get this to everyone tonight. So I just pierced my ear with a thumbtack and an orange and it didn't hurt like it did all the other time I pierced my ears at the store. I still haven't told my parents (They are very chill parents, but she told me not to pierce my ear for the seventh time without her or my dad). Wish me luck.

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