Forty One

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It's 10 o'clock on Sunday, August 26, 2018 and today Ethan, Grayson and I part ways. I really don't want to leave them, but they are starting another exciting adventure that I can't be apart of for some time.

We are currently in an Uber driving to the airport. Ethan's up front and Grayson is in the backseat with me. We are ten minutes away from the airport and I don't know if I'll be able to contain myself when we get there. 

The sad and horrible part of going to college is that we sold the apartment, and all of our thing are in New Jersey in a storage house. We made so many memories there. That apartment was my home away from home and I will never forget it there.

We had lived there for the last three years of our lives, and when we decided to sell it, I cried for an hour. My phone buzzes and it's a text from Luke.

Luke: When you get to New Jersey, stop by Ashley and I's place.

I text him back and I feel like I'm going to cry.

Emma: Alright.

Once I text him back I put my phone down and put my head on Grayson's shoulder. He pats my head gently and I am holding back my tears. When we decided to sell the apartment, we decided that we should give NJ to someone who could give her all the attention and love she needed, so we give her to a nice family who lived on our floor.

The Uber stops and the man says, "We're here, that will be 600 dollars." I give him 200 and Ethan and Grayson both give him 200. Once we pay him, we get out of the car and get out bags from the trunk.


We got through security and now it's time for us to go to our separate gates. I think I'm going to say bye to Grayson first. I walk over to him and hug him. "Bye Gray." I say and tears are forming in my eyes.

"Bye Emma." He says and squeezes me. I look up at him and there are tears in his eyes and streaming down his face. "I'll text you everyday, okay?" He asks and I know it's hard for him right now. "Okay." I say and squeeze him one last time before leaving the hug.

I walk over to Ethan and hug him also. "Ethan, I don't want to leave you guys." I cry. "We don't want to leave you either, but when we see each other again, it will be amazing." He tries to convince me.

"You're right." I can't handle leaving them. Ethan kisses me and says, "Bye Emma." "Bye Ethan." I say and kiss him again before standing in front of both of them. "I'll come with you guys, but until them, I love you both so much." I say with tears streaming down my face.

"I love you too Emma." Grayson says. "You know I love you." Ethan says and on the loudspeaker it says that my flight is starting boarding in 7 minutes. "I have to go." I say and tears feel hot running down my face.

"Bye Emma." They both says and I start walking. After walking for about 10 seconds I turn around and run over to them. I pull them into a group hug, before walking towards me gate, and I didn't look back.


My flight just landed and I probably look like an idiot right now because my clothes are all messed up and wrinkled. I'm wearing black ripped jeans, red high top vans, a red cropped top, a blue sweatshirt on top and I have Beats around my neck.

As I'm walking out of the plane I can't help but think, 'How many times have we walked through this airport?' I'm not dealing with the fact that I'm not going to see Ethan and Grayson for the next 10 months

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As I'm walking out of the plane I can't help but think, 'How many times have we walked through this airport?' I'm not dealing with the fact that I'm not going to see Ethan and Grayson for the next 10 months.

While I was on the plane, I got a text from Luke saying that he'll pick me up, which helps me a lot. I follow everyone off the plane, and we walk towards the baggage claim. As I'm walking, I realize that I should probably text them to make sure everything is okay.

We all arrive at baggage claim and my suitcase is the first one to come down the slot. I grab it and text Luke.

Emma: Where are you? I'm ready.

Luke: I'm standing right behind you.

I turn around and Luke is holding his arms out ready to hug him. I run into his arms and he hugs me back. "I really needed this hug, Luke." I tell him. "I could tell." He replies and we leave the hug.

"You ready to go?" He asks me and I nod my head 'yes'. We walk out of the airport and over to the car garage. When we get to his car, he opens the trunk and places my bags inside. Once he closes the trunk, we both get in.

After driving for about five minutes in comfortable silence Luke says, "After you look at the house, I'll drop you off at your apartment." "Okay, thank you." I still have not see their house, and they moved in about two weeks ago.


The gates to their house open and from what I see it's awesome. Luke pulls up the long driveway and parks. We both go out and I'm amazed.

(This is Luke and Ashley's house, and please watch the whole thing so you can grasp what the house is really like)

"Where's Ashley." I ask Luke after going a tour of the house. "She went to the neighbors house to get some sugar for the cupcakes she's making." He tells me. "Oh. After I say hey, can you drive me to my apartment?" I ask him.

"Sure, I'll text Ashley telling her you're here and ready to go." He pulls out his phone and types. My phone dings and I take it out of my pocket. It's from my mom.

Mom: Your dad and I are going to drop your car off at your apartment, okay?

I text her back quickly.

Emma: That's fine. THANK YOU.

Mom: You're welcome.

I hear the door open and it's Ashley. She's wearing a red striped shirt, jean short, white converse, and has a long necklace on.

 She's wearing a red striped shirt, jean short, white converse, and has a long necklace on

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"Hey Emma," She says and hugs me, which is a bit awkward because of her stomach. "Hey Ashley, I'm about to leave but you guys should come over later." I smile. "Okay, we will." She says and Luke walks over to the front door. "Bye Ashley." I follow Luke. "Bye Emma." She says and I walk out of the beautiful house.


Happy Valentines Day!!!

Sorry I didn't post this sooner, but today is my mom's birthday on top of it being Valentine day so I wanted to make this day super special for her.

I hope you all got to spend the day with people you love!



P.S. I realize that it's now 6:00 on February 15th, but I forgot to publish this last night.

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