Sixty Three

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It's Tuesday May 28th, 2019. I'm on a plane right now on my way to LA right now. College let out on the 15th of May. I'm flying out to LA because the police found the person who killed the Folan's. I want to see the man who killed my best friends get locked away.

On a better note, I'm watching Ethan and Grayson's new video. If I'm on a plane on a Tuesday, Ethan or Grayson will email the video before it gets put on YouTube so that I won't miss out because who knows long it will be until I have enough time to wind down and actually watch it on YouTube.

I'm currently wearing ripped jeans, a floral halter crop top, and Converse. I have a flower crown, and sunglasses in my bag for when I get off this plane. I have a believe case on my phone. 


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


I just picked up my luggage and now I'm looking for Lucas, who came to pick me up from the airport. I've already ran into like 10 people who wanted to take a picture with me. I honestly don't care, I just really hope the paparazzi don't find me.

I didn't pack many clothes, because I'm staying at Aliyah and Aaron's apartment so she said I can just wear some of her clothes. She can't wear any of them anyway considering she's close to being 8 months pregnant.

I'm at baggage and I see a familiar blonde hair, blue eyed boy coming at me. "Lucas, it's so good to see you again." I hug him when he reaches me. "It's good to see you too." He says hugging me back. "Are you ready to leave?" He asks looking down at my bag. "Yep." I reply. "Let me take that for you." He says taking my bag as we start walking.

"Thank you." This kid is so nice I can't sometimes. We walk outside of the airport to his car. I get into the passenger seat and Lucas puts my bag into the backseats before getting in and starting the car up.

"Lucas, are excited to see justice brought forth?" I ask him because I'm curious. "Yes and no," He says taking a pause. "Yes because now there is a big chance this person won't hurt another person. No because now it's just clarifying that my second family is dead and I'll never see them again." He explains to me while pulling away from the airport.


It's 2 in the afternoon and I'm at Aliyah and Aaron's apartment and Aliyah and I are sitting on their couch watching some TV show. The Keeping Up With The Jackson's crew is here and are filming whatever they can get. "So Emma considering the tiny bag you have with you, I'm assuming you're having your clothes shipped to London." Aliyah says when the show coming onto a commercial break.

"Yep, and I have no idea where Ethan and I are going for our honeymoon. He just said 'pack like it's hella hot outside.'" You heard that right folks, my wedding is right around the corner. "I wonder where you're going." Aliyah says. "Me too, Aliyah. Me too." I respond then laugh. "Okay, enough about me. What's new with you?" I ask her because I haven't seen her since after New Year. 

"Not much other than being 8 months pregnant and buying this apartment with Aaron." She responds and as she finishes that sentence, the front door opens to reveal Aaron. I jump off the couch and run over to him. "AAAAARON!" I scream and hug him. "It's good to see you too Emma." He says hugging back and laughing. 

After I calm down Aaron says, "Emma, are you excited to be getting married in under two weeks?" He asks me. "Oh course! I'm so excited to be getting married to the love of my life." I reply getting mushy just thinking about Ethan. 

"Awwww, have you guys talking about moving in together and that sort of thing?" Aliyah asks. "Well considering Ethan and I have lived together since we were 15, I'm going to say yes and as far as whether we're moving out of my apartment or moving into a house I'm unsure." I explain.

"Have you guys talked about having kids?" Aaron ask. "WHOA, what is this? An interrogation? Because I've been to one too many of those." I'm starting to get uncomfortable. "I'm sorry Emma. I didn't mean to make you feel bad." Aaron apologizes.

"It's okay, Bup." I reply. "What do you guys want to do today?" Aliyah asks. "LET'S GO SHOPPING!" I exclaim jumping off the couch and I start to jump up and down. "Okay." Aliyah responds.


It's the next morning and I'm up bright and early. And by bright I mean it's still dark outside. I already showered and now I'm waiting for my hair to dry a little bit before I style it. I'm laying in bed again and I'm reviewing my new and up coming book.

I had it sent out to the publishers and the editors and now I'm reading it over before they ship them out to bookstores internationally. It's set to be released in book stores on June 8th.

That's also the day of mine and Ethan's wedding. I'm so excited to marry the love for my life and my best friend. AHHH, I can't get distracted. I have to finish this book in two days so that everything will be ready in time. 

I always get so distracted, especially when I'm supposed to be doing something important. My hair probably dry enough to style it, but I need to finish two more chapters. My book life before my beauty life. Ahh, I love life.


Sorry if the last two paragraph are freaking crazy. I wrote them when I was delirious. I needed to finish this chapter before I went to sleep and it was two in the morning. 

My Boyfriend || E.Dحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن