Sixty Five

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It's Saturday, June 8th, 2019. It's my wedding day and I can't wait to see Ethan today. It's about 7 in the morning and I've been awake for like a hour and I'm awake as I'll ever be. I'm getting my makeup done right now and my mom, Cameron, Bailey, Lisa, Alex, and Ashley are getting ready as well, whether that be getting hair and makeup done, or getting into dresses.

"Emma honey, are you hungry?" My mom asks from the chair next to me where she's getting her hair done. "Very, why?" I respond. "I have room service coming for everyone." She replies with a smile.

"Thank you mom!" I exclaim. I hope she got french toast or an omelet or... I guess I'll find out now because their is a knock on the door. One of the hair dressers opens the door and three carts of food come into the room.


Ethan and I both made time for an interview in our schuedule. We're doing them separately, but the T.V. show didn't mind or care at all. My makeup is going to be done in a couple minutes, then we're going to do the interview before my makeup gets done.

I think we're doing the interview for Extra or Access Hollywood. "You're done my dear." The wonderful woman doing my makeup says. "Thank you so much." I hug her before walking over to the chair where I'm getting interview in.

I have a pretty natural look going if you ask me compared to the options I was shown earlier, before the makeup even started.

I have a pretty natural look going if you ask me compared to the options I was shown earlier, before the makeup even started

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

The people mic me up, check lights, and camera angles before they start the interview. The interview man starts talking when the camera light turns green.

"Hello, I'm Mario Lopez and your watching Extra. Today I'm here with Emma Jackson." He smiles. "Hey Mario." I reply with a smile as well. "It's good to have you here, especially on such a big day for you." He seems very nice. "Yeah, well it is my wedding day." I laugh.

"Who has the honor of getting married to you?" He asks with another smile. "Ethan Dolan, my best friend." I respond. "That's great. Now, I understand you've done a lot of things with your life up until this point and into the future." 

I think for a second before saying, "Yes, I've written two books with another one in the works. Traveled the world with my family, Ethan and Grayson. I have graduated high school as valedictorian and now I go Princeton college." 

"That's great, Emma. This will be the last question. Is there a specific career you would like to have?" I have to think for a second before replying. 

"I would LOVE to become a teacher or a social service work, but obviously fate has already decided what it wants to do with me, so I'll let it do that." I explain. "That's very wise, Emma." Mario says with a chuckle. 

I smile and Mario says, "Thank you so much for making time for us on this special day!" "You are very welcome!" I exclaim.


Sorry for the short chapter. I think this might be the second to last chapter.

My Boyfriend || E.Dحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن