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Ethan and I are about to walk into our hotel room. Ethan opens the door and I smell delicious food. Grayson is cooking obviously. He is actually a really really good cook. He always cooks for Ethan and I because I don't like cooking.

We walk over to the kitchen to see Grayson standing over the stove stirring something. "Sup Gray." Ethan says and Grayson turns around to look at us. "So anything else I should know?" He asks us. "Alex had the babies, and there is two boys and one girl." I answer excitedly. 

I've never had a girl cousin that's close will be super close to me. Autumn, Ella and Lucy are close to me, but we don't see each other enough so we aren't as close as I would like to be. "Do you want to go to the hospital and see the babies?" I ask him.

"Sure, after I finish making my soup." He says. "Okay, then I'm going to go upstairs and change." I tell them and walk towards the stairs. I walk up them and into the bedroom. There are two beds in here, Ethan's and mine. I walk over my suitcase and grab light wash jean shorts, a gray shirt, and I pick up a pair of gray converse on the floor.

 I walk over my suitcase and grab light wash jean shorts, a gray shirt, and I pick up a pair of gray converse on the floor

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I take off my old clothes and put the new ones on. I walk over to the little table where Ethan and I are hold all of our junk and I grab a pair of sunglasses because it is surprising sunny today.

 I walk over to the little table where Ethan and I are hold all of our junk and I grab a pair of sunglasses because it is surprising sunny today

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I walk into the bathroom and put it into a quick ponytail, then walk back out of bathroom. I think I might want to get a haircut tomorrow. My hair is currently down to my butt and I don't really like have to deal with this much hair.

 My hair is currently down to my butt and I don't really like have to deal with this much hair

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We just arrived back to the hospital and there are camera crews everywhere I see my dad talking a lady with a microphone so I walk over signaling for Ethan and Grayson to do so too. "and here comes my daughter Emma." My dad says with a smile.

"Hi dad." I say with a smile. "So Emma, have you met your new cousins yet?" The women with the microphone asks. "No, I have not. That's why I'm back, because I want my best friend and boy friend to meet them with me." I tell the women.

"That's so thoughtful." The women tells me then says. "Back to you Tom." Wait were the filming? I ask silently. A men with a camera walks over to the women we were just talking to, so I'm going to take that as a yes, they were filming.

Ethan and Grayson walk over to my dad and I once the interview is done. "Really to go inside?" I ask them. "Yep," They both say in unison. "I'm going to stay out here for a little bit Emmy. Your grandmother is out here somewhere talking to a camera crew." My dad tells me. "Okay." I reply and walk through the door of the hospital.

Ethan and Grayson sign in and I still have my pass from this morning. Once they sign in and get a pass, we walk to the elevator and get in. I push the 3rd floor button and we go up. The door open back up and I lead them towards Alex's room. I softly knock on her door and my mom and grandpa Paul are sitting talking to her.

"Hey." I say and walk in with Ethan and Grayson following me. "Hey guys." Alex says looking at us. A nurse coming in and says this to us, "The babies are about to come in here, so everyone needs to wash and sterilize their hands." "Okay." We all say and walk out of Alex's room and follow the nurse into a room with a bunch of sinks and sanitizing machines. 

Once we all finish washing our hands, we walk back into Alex's room just in time for them to roll the babies into the room. They are in little glass cases so we can't hold them, but we have stick our arms through the holes in the cases. The babies go over to Alex and she says, "I decided to name them..." She says with another long pause. She has to stop doing that.

"James Blake," She says pointing to the baby with a blue hat on. "Dylan Aaron," She says pointing to the baby with a blue hat on. "and last but definitely not last, Grace Joanna." She says pointing at the baby with a pink hat on.

"Who is the oldest and who is the youngest?" My mom asks Alex. " Dylan, then Grace, and finally James." Alex tells me. I pick up my phone to take a picture but instead I get a text from Aliyah.

Aliyah: You and your dad are on the news!

Emma: I know, I was just interviewed. Record it for me please.

I text back I quickly take a picture of all three babies and favorite them, so now they are some of my favorite pictures on my phone.

My phone dings again so I'm assuming Aliyah texted me back.

Aliyah: ALEX HAD THE BABIES?! and sure.

Emma: Yep. Thanks.

I send her picture of them along with a picture of each of them.

Aliyah: So freaking cute.

Emma: I know, but got to go, we are about to touch the babies.

Aliyah: Okay have fun!


We just arrived back at our room and I am currently doing the finishing editing touches to my book that I was writing because my mom has gotten me a publisher and an agent and the publisher wants me to go back and edit any little details that I think needed to be fixed before making the next step.

I think I might name it Good Girl Has A Gun. (I got the name inspiration from the amazing book, The Shy Girl Has A Gun). My publicist said that after I edit it someone else will edit it for grammar and punctuation, and finally after that it will begin to print and be sold.

"EMMA." I hear Grayson call me. "YES GRAYSON?" I reply. "We are going to film our video and we need your help." Grayson calls. "Okay coming." I reply and get up off of the couch. I walk up the stairs and walk into Grayson's room. "I'm here." I say and sit on Grayson's bed while Ethan sets up the camera.

"What are you guys going to film today?" I ask Ethan. "Best Friend vs. Fiance," Ethan tells me. "Oh Fun." I say. Grayson comes out of his bathroom with two towels. "EXTREME VERSION." He continues. "Basically if I get one question right you get to smack Ethan with one of the gross liquids in the bag." He says then points to a bag next to his extra bed.

"Okay, I'm going to quickly change into so not so nice clothing." I tell them then walk into 

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