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We are currently standing outside the apartment door and I'm trying to get my keys. I find the right one and put it in the key hole. I twist it and open the door. We walk in and I say, "Alex get comfy, I have to go talk to Ethan."

I walk of towards the bedrooms and enter Ethan's. He is sitting on his bed, on his phone. "Hey Ethan." I say with a smile, and walk over to his bed. I sit down and look at him. "Hey Emma." He says with a slight smile.

"So what's up?" I ask confused. He takes my hand and gives me a weak smile. "So you know how we were going to go to college together in New Jersey and you were going to go to Princeton and I was going to go to Rutgers University?" He asks. "Yeah, of course." I say confused and concerned. 

"Well, Grayson and I got a movie offer, and we're filming in Atlanta." He says with a weak smile. "That's amazing," I say with a smile and hug him. "but how will you guys go to college?" I continue. "We'll be going to Penn State World Campus, until we finish filming." He tells me.

"That's so exciting" I say and it dawns on me. "What will happen to us?" I ask hoping he'll say nothing. "It will be the same, I promise." He says with a smile. "I hope so." I say and cuddle into his chest.


I wake up and it's 5 o'clock in the morning and I realize two things: one, I fell asleep watching a movie in Ethan's room and two, I have to start getting ready because the graduation starts at 8:30, but we have to be there at 8:15.

I quietly crawl off of Ethan's bed and tiptoe into my room. I grab a pair of underwear and walk into my bathroom.


It's 7:46 and I just finished doing my hair and makeup.

It's 7:46 and I just finished doing my hair and makeup

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I am so excited to graduate. I walk into my closet and grab my dress. I slide it on over my head carefully and walk back out of the closet so I can see myself. I look at myself and realize that I need to put my cap and gown on and my shoes.

 I look at myself and realize that I need to put my cap and gown on and my shoes

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I run over to my couch where my shoes are. I grab my shoes, and then I walk out of my room and into the living room where our cap and gowns are. I walk over to the couch and sit down. I put my shoes on, then I stand up and grab my gown.

I'm going to be the only one graduating with a gold cap and gown, everyone else is graduating with blue cap and gowns

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I'm going to be the only one graduating with a gold cap and gown, everyone else is graduating with blue cap and gowns. I zip up the gown and put my cap on and move my tassel to the right. Ethan and Gray come out of their room looking ready to go, minus the cap and gowns.

"You guys look so handsome." I say smiling. "Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself." Ethan says smirking. "Thank you." I say blushing, and Gray looks like he's going to be sick. I laugh at him sweetly. It is super awkward for him to be around us when we get like this because his brother is dating his best friend.

My phone vibrates and I go to look who it is. My dad is texting me.

Dad: We're leaving now, Emmy.

I text him back saying,

Emma: Alright Dad, see you guys soon.

"Our parents are leaving now." I tell them and open Snapchat. "Let's take a picture for Snapchat." I say unzipping my gown. "Alright," Ethan says. "Okay," Grayson says. I open my camera and put the timer on for 30 seconds so that it will go off when we are ready.

 I kneel on the couch and place my phone so that it can stand up by itself. I tap the button to take the picture and so now we have 30 seconds to get in position. I quickly walk over to where Ethan and Gray are standing and squeeze in between them.

I put my arm around both Ethan and Grayson and they both do the same to me. The timer is up and the picture get's taken. After about two seconds we get out of that pose and I go to look at it. I think it looks perfect. 

I reopen Snapchat and select the picture we just took and write 'High School Graduation'. I hear Luke and Cam talking so I'm assuming they're coming into the living room. I then open Instagram and select the same picture, but caption it, 'About to graduation, wish us luck'. I close Instagram and Snapchat then turn off my phone.

Luke and Cam come into the living room talking about god know what. "Hey Emma, send us that picture." Grayson says to me. "Sure." I say while turning my phone on again. I open text messages and send Ethan and Grayson the picture then I tap on my texts with my mom and send it to her.

"I'll be right back." I say and walk towards the bedrooms. I walk down the hallway and then enter my room. I walk into my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror and remember that I need to bobby pin my can so that it won't fall off.

I grab four bobby pins and place them strategically. Once I'm done with that I get one close look at my makeup before walking back into my bedroom. Once I get into my bedroom I grab my speech and then I walk out and into the hallway.

I hear the door close, and I hear my dad's voice telling us to get to the car. I walk into the living room and see him waiting for me. "Hey Dad." I say as I walk towards him. "Hey Emmy, are you ready for one of the best days of you life?" He asks me.

"I think so." I say. "Then let's get this show on the rode." He says and walk out of the apartment and into the hallway. 

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