Chapter 32 Part 1: I'm Not Yours

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OK, like I said from last chapter, I'm going to make this chapter longer and might as make 2 parts!:)

I dedicate this part 1 to one of my editor!^_^ she edit this chapter for me and I wanted to dedicate as thank you!

Dr. Austin picture is on the side! >.> ----->>>>>


Cheyenne Pov.

I had many questions swirling in my mind, wondering how did I get here, what does he want from me and how the Hell am I getting out of here?

"How did you-but-how!" I yelled out.

He laughed, "you're so cute when you're confused," he said in a sickly sweet way.

He speed walked over to me and removed a lock of my hair out of my face and ran his thumb down my jaw line. I shivered in disgust by his touch and moved my head to the side.

"Don't touch me!" I growled.

He grabbed my chin roughly and made me face him. "I will touch you! If I want too, before my brother gets you!" He hissed in my face and hardened his glares, staring into my soul.

"Your brother?" I ask confused.

"Yes, my brother, half brother," he said and gently let go of my chin.

"Who is your half brother?" I ask.

He looked me straight in my eyes again, "Brandon, or as you call him, Bojo," he said with a smirk. "You think of very creative nicknames for everyone, Cheyenne."

I sent a death glare at him, "Do you want to know what a creative nickname I've got for you?" I growled.

He laughed, "Maybe later. It's best for me to go. We have a big day tomorrow!" He said happily.

I looked at him confusedly, "What's tomorrow?" I ask.

"It's a surprise," he said and tapped my nose. I wanted really bad to bite his finger off but, then his blood would be in my mouth and I would get punished. "See you in the morning. I'll have my servant bring down dinner for you," he said and walked way, leaving me here once again by my self.

The light shining through the window was getting dimmer. I started to think. Does my pack and my family know I was kidnapped? I wonder what the surprise is going to be tomorrow?

Lucas Pov. (omg finally!^.^)

I'm sitting down by my lady's bedroom. I'm really worried because the doctor has been in there with Cheyenne for about two hours! You know what? I'm going in there right now. I have to check and make sure she's alright.

I got up from where I was sitting and stood in front of the bedroom door. I raised my shaky hand towards the door slowly and knocked three times. I waited for a answer but, none came. I knocked again and again. Nothing. My inner wolf growled and I can feel him wanting to take control. I grabbed the door nob and twisted and turned but, it was locked!

I growled and stared to run into the door and heard a crack, "Open this goddamn door!" I yelled out in command. I ran into the door again and broke it down.

I looked around and saw nobody is not in here. The bed was empty like it hadn't been touched since this morning. I looked around angrily and saw the curtains were moving. I walked over, and saw the window was open. I started to growl protectively.

Where is she? Where did she go- that doctor! I knew something was off about him! He gave me an uncomfortable feeling....


My Mate Rejected Me (Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt