Chapter 8: I Got A Secret

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Ok, ok let get show on the road!! Haha:D

Well you remember Adam Mickson? Well he will be in this chapter and maybe the next chapter, maybe. And guess what? He got a secret, a deadly secret :o

Are you ready? I think you are.


Cheyenne Pov.

I flicker my eyes open and saw a bright light shine in my eyes which cause me to be a little blind. I felt something in my hand.

I sat up, still have my eyes close. I stressed my arms, legs, and yawn. I rub my eyes and open them.

I gasp. This place was beautiful and a amazing! I got up and look down at my body. I was wearing a white strap less dress, I had a fancy blue belt around my waist on my dress, and pretty blue butterfly pin at top of my dress between my breast. I didn't have no shoe on eigth

I look up and look around. I was still shock and a amaze by the veiw I'm seeing! Where I was standing the grass was green I'm mean like really, really green! There were blue, Orange yellowish, and red flower. There butterflies, dragonfly, bubble bees, and colorful birds too!

I look at the sky. "Wow" I mumble. The sky was light baby blue with wonderful clouds.

I started to twirl around, laughing, having fun. I felt like I've been doing twirling around for years or forever, but it didn't.something caught my eye and stop twirling and laughing.

It was my Parents!

There they'd were staring at me and smiling. They were only two foot away. I started to run and give them a hug.

"Mom and dad I miss you so much" I had happy tears coming down too my cheeks.

They didn't respond or hug back too? I pull away from them "mom?" I look at her something is different about her? "Dad?" I turn to him, he look all nerves? "Are you guys ok?" My dad shook his and my mom still stood there.

"Of courses!" I mom said by scaring me.

"Ok?...." I raise my eyebrow at her she look different some reason? I just don't know why?

I turn to dad. He look really nervous, his eyes look angry, fear, scared, and nervous too but why?

"Um... Dad are you ok?"

"Yes my little Angel" he gave me a weak smile. Uh-oh something is not right. When ever my dad call me my little Angel. It mean he want something, or I'm in trouble, and sometime I would be in danger. Wait danger? Is he trying-

Someone cut me off "wake up Cheyenne" I look at them confuse but it look like they were not talking to me.

My dad glance at my mom and look back at me.

"Soo..." I look at mom "where am I?"

My mom smile "what is honey?" She sounded sweetly but a hint of annoy. Wait what? Hint of annoy? My mom never sounded a hint a annoy! She always talk sweetly and calm!

"Cheyenne listen to me, it me dad. I'm talking to you through are bond link mind"

"What? How? You die dad! When you die are bond link mind is gone, dead, and forever?" It ture when when one of your mates, families, or friends die you are no longer to mind link them, it dead no more bond linking.

"I know, I know, I have a lot to explain. But listen to me this woman next to me is not your mom, you need to get put of here and wake up alright?"

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