Chapter 21: Meeting Grandma

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Ok This chapter is dedicated to killjoy7772, because she have been commenting on my chapter since chapter 17:)

And now.....

This is for you killljoy7772!!!!!


Cheyenne Pov.

It been a week since I got out of the hospital. I just hate it there, because death.... It soo Freaky, because I swear every time I step a foot in the hospital, death is always near and the place is always cold and no warmth. And every time I step in that place, and feel the cold air, I would say "uh-oh look like someone going to die today, bless your soul"

Right now I'm in the living room, watching t.v. with my fiancé and my pack. I was lying down on my side, with my head laying my fiancé lap, while he stroking my hair gently, while watching spongbob. Yup that we watch soungbob, and don't mess with us.

"Cheyenne?" My fiancé called my name.

"Yes?" I reply.

"Are you hungry? I can get you something?" He ask concern, because lately I haven't been eatting like I used, I just feel heart broken what my father just did, and how I feel guilty, I didn't him what happen in my sweet dream.

"No thanks" I mumble and he sign.

"Jorden, stop it!" Hannah yelled playfully. Yup that eight my brother have found his mate.

"No, not unless you tell me, you love me" Jorden said.

I look at Hannah. She had her finger on her chin, pretending to think, "well..."

Jorden fake gasp, and put his hand over his heart, with a fake hurt face "you mean you don't love me? Well this is big and depressing! I think I'm going to go all depress, cry, watch soap, romantic sad movie, and eat cookie dough ice cream"

Hannah grab his cheek "Awww, I would never make you go through that, because I love you" she kiss his nose and giggle.

"You better love me, because I Love you with all my heart, and I would do anything, to be with you for the rest of my life, and you know" Jorden said.

"You know it!" She giggle.

"And I thought we were the love birds?" My fiancé said.

My brother wave him off "yeah, yeah, that was back then, and now were all love birds"

I sat up and yawn. "Are you ok?" My fiancé ask or do I mean my love? I like both! So doesn't matter.

"I turn to him with a smile "yeah I'm ok"

He smile back and said something I really hate "it time to take your pill"

I groan "I don't wanna" I wine.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Lilly yelled out for me. I turn to her and smile happily "grandma and grandpa want to talk to you guys and they mean everyone in this living room"

I wonder what do they want from all of us?

"Ok" I reply and pick her.

I turn around and saw everyone still watching t.v. "you heared her!" I yelled, cause them to startle.

"I think my heart just skip a beat!" Hannah yelled out, while having hand on her chest.

Lilly and I just started to laugh. "Maybe listen, next time" my fiancé said.

Hannah stuck her tongue at him playful and got up with my brother.

"Ok follow mommy!" Lilly said and they did.

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