Sneak Peak! c:

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Okay we are going to start off with Lucas pov. I bet you guys are wondering why Lucas left? o.o


Lucas Pov.

My heads hurts, my body is aching from all those wacking, stabs and werewolf vain. I felt weak and useless. Few days ago was Cheyenne and mine wedding, are special day we been waiting for but no... I'm stuck in this gross smelly chamber basement! How dare he to take me away from my lady, our special day! I have a pack to lead too! Oh... How I hope how Cheyenne doing... I missed her so much.

Let me explain to you how I was capture on the day of my wedding.

Flash back:

"You boys stop jumping on my bed and start getting ready!" I yelled out at the twins. They are still in there Pj and acting like excited little kids. I was standing in front of the mirror fixing my hair after they tackle me to surprise me.

"Sorry aphla," they mumble and sat down.

"We are excited about you and our sis wedding," Don said.

I chuckled and nodded my head. "I can see that, but can you guys go get ready and on your way back, tell him to come to my room."

They reply sure and left. I am feeling nervous about my lady and I wedding in couple hours. I can't wait to see her come down the aisle in her white wedding dress with her beautiful smile and her eyes that capture me.

One thing that bug me. I hope I'm not rushing into thing so fast? I want to make this special for her and spend the rest of my live with her. If I was... She would tell me. Yeah she would.

I heard a knock on the door and I walked over to open revealing my brother with a smile on his face.

I smiled back and welcome him in. He walked over the bed and made himself comfortable.

"So..." As he left the word hang in the air. "It's the big day. Nervous little bro?" He asked me.

I fake laughed "Pshh... Me? Alpha don't get nervous," I said as I rubbed my neck nervously.

He chuckled while sitting up on his side and smirked at me. "then explain me why are you rubbing your neck?" He asked.

"It's a habit," I reply with a glared.

He chuckled and shook his head. "A nervous habit," he mumble but enough for me to still hear.

"Shut up," I glared again.

He continue to laughed at me while I checked myself through mirror for the hundredth time today. I didn't want to look like a fool. I need to look great.

"Lucas everything going to be fine. Calm down," my brother said with a hint of annoyance in his vocie.

He right. Everything is going to be fine, but I still can't help what if everything goes wrong. I need to stay positive.  Gotta stay strong.

"Your right," I chuckled to myself and turn around to face him.

"Of course I'm right because the wedding is not going to happen," Ryan said with a straight face.

My eyes widen in shock.  Clearly this isn't my brother, he would of never say anything like that. Then he started to laughed.

"Fuck you," I growled and shoot daggers towards him.

He laughed some more and said, "You should of seen you face! It was fucking priceless."

"Let's go," I said angrily and headed for the door.

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