Chapter 23: Spending Time With Grandma

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I dedicate this chapter too MoonLightHaven.

She have been commenting for that last few chapter:)

Yeah I know you want Cheyenne and Lucas together and everyone want them together too! And guess what I want them together too.

So this chapter is for you MoonLightHaven!


(Trey Picture!)


(Cheyenne Pov.)

Exploding the big huge castle was fun and tired. Right now, I was getting ready for bed with my love, in are guess fancy bathroom, brushing are teeth. The bathroom was pearly white with gold, as you can say....

"So where sunshine again?" My love ask while still brushing his teeth and spit.

"She is in her own room Cross the hall from us, so don't worry big daddy" I patted his back before grabing towel, hanging right behind him.

He growl playful, and I smirk at him. "Here" I handed him the towel, when I saw he was done brushing his teeth.

"Thank you my lady" he grab the towel I got for him, and wipe his face. After he was done, he toss the towel behind him and surprise me by grabing my waist, and pull me into his chest. He smirk at me "Soo...." I felt his warm on my face, and smell like mint.

I smile and slid my arms around his neck "soo, what?" I ask.

"Do you think are room is sound proof?" He ask. Ohh! I know where this is heading.

"Why yes, Jorden told me and even the maids here told me too" I smile.

"Good, now we can have some alone time together?" He ask in a deep sexy voice, that drive me crazy.

I bite my bottom lip and shook my head.

He groan "my love, biting your bottom lip make you sexy" he sounded like he was turn on.

Maybe tease him little. "What? Like this?" I bite my bottom lip again.

He groan again "yes, that!" I saw his eyes are changing, meaning his wolf is trying to take over.

"Well my love, we better get to bed" I pull his head down towards my face so I can whisper into his ear "and you what I mean" I purr and blow his ear lightly.

"Ok, my lady, you really turn me on" he moan.

"Like this?" I whisper again blow lightly again.

"Yeah like that" my love pick me and made me yelp in surprise. I wrap my leg around his waist.

"Now take us too are bed, my love" I look into his eyes saw, it fill with passion, lustful, love, and hunger.

"As you wish princess" he wink at me while walking to are bed.

I groan "don't call me princess, please" I complain. I really hate being called like a princes, even know I'm am a princess.

he lay me down on my back, on the bed gently and lean into me. "Sorry, my lady that won't happen again" and started to kiss at my neck.

"I know it won't" I said. I close my eyes loving the feeling the warm tingle of his kisses he lay.

He went up to my jaw line and ment my lips, with hunger lustful and passion. He lick my bottom lip to ask entrance and I did, we fought donation, and course he won....

"I love.... you Cheyenne" my love said breathless from are heated makeout, while still on top of me.

I smile "I love you..... Too Lucas" I said breathless too.

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