Chapter 14: Prank The School

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All I have to say enjoy:)

No wait!

We have a guess today that is Cheyenne Mom! And her dad!

Jk her dad won't be coming today:(

I know it suck but he'll come soon maybe:/


Cheyenne Pov.

It been three days since the recover and Daycen been ignoring? But at least there will be no more drama? Right?

There were a knock on the door "come in!" I yelled tired because today is school... Yay....

The twin came with a smile on there face "what up with the smile" I said grumpy because I haven't have any sleep. I was afraid I might go back to that sweet dream because last time I woke screaming in pain and scared the hell out of Lucas and Lilly. I just told it was a nightmare and they bought it.

"Guess what today is?" The twin said together.

"Tell me the date today maybe I know what today is?" I said sarcastic.

"Today is" don said.

"November 16 hello?" John said.

I thought about it then it hit me! It are two year prank the school anniversary!

"OMG! It's are two prank the school anniversary!" I smile.

"OH YEAH! now we got to pick what kind a prank for the school?" John said while rubbing his chin.

"How about we meet arch other in the kitchen later because I need to get ready"

"Ok!" They went and left while talking what we should do to the school.

I got off my bed and went to my bath room. I guess Lucas and Lilly got up early?....

I strip down and look at myself into the mirror. I took off my bandage around my stomach and some reason I feel like I have a lot of energy? I feel powerful? But why?

I turn on my shower and step in. I stand there for a few mintues feeling the nice cold water? I felt really hot today? I took my new shampoo out and sniff it "mmm... It smelt good" ocean sea...

I turn off the water and got out. I grab my towel and to the mirror to wipe the fog so I can see myself again.after that I look at myself and gasp! I rub my eyes if I was just seeing things because my eyes were pure black! When I look back again they were normal same old gray eyes with blue ring around it.

I shook my head and went out of the bathroom. I went in my walk in closets. "Hmm..." I put my hand on my hip. "How about this?" I pull my monster energy shirt out that the twins got me, that were alittle big but I tie it back. I got out my dark blue jean, they were Rip on my knee. I took out my black with green laces and my monster hat I got from the twins too!

After it took me five mintues to finish get ready I went to my bath room do my hair and my make up.

I did my hair I let my hair go nature wavy and bread my bangs and pull it to the side and clip it.

I did light makeup. I put on light green shadow, eye liner, and massacre. I didn't want to do cover up because my skin is flawless and perfect like always.

I check myself out and I look good but not with my hat yet, but I'll put it on later... Maybe....

I walk out of my room with my bag and walk down stairs.

I got to the kitchen and saw my boys were all up and my Lilly too but not the other pack. Then I grin...

"Oh I know that grin and that grin met you have a plan!" John said and walk up too me while don rub his hand excited.

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