Epilogue: Him

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Epilogue: Him

Three weeks past and I still didn't know where Shay was. I knew was alive because she sent me a text message that read: I'm alive. That was all she wrote. She didn't tell me where she was and she still would not return my calls. I had people looking for her everywhere. Her brothers had no clue where she was and Nicole claimed she didn't know either. I couldn't concentrate on anything but Shay. I called her at least 10 times daily and still no answer or return call. He voice mailbox was full with messages from me and Marie. I tried to explain myself on her voice messages but 3 minutes is not enough time so I ended up sending 30 voice mails within 3 days. I wasn't even sure if she listened to them. Every time I called her phone went straight to voice mail.

I was losing hope that Shay would ever return. Once the fifth week past and shay still had not called me back or answered her phone I called Logan over so we could figure things out.

"Where could she be," Logan questioned.

I was sure there was only one place she could be, New York. I know Nicole told me she hadn't seen Shay but I figured she was lying. Shay would run to someone she trusted and seems how we are the caused to her pain Nicole was her only option. Nicole was also the only person who didn't play a part in the situation.

"She's probably in New York," I explained.

"Then Nicole lied," Logan questioned.

"I'm pretty sure she did. I'm going to New York tonight to find my wife."

I couldn't just sit around and wait. I needed to know where she was at and to make sure she was okay. We needed to talk. 5 weeks was enough time for her to gather her thoughts. I gave her space and now we need to talk.

"I can probably get..." Logan tailed off and stared off behind me. I followed his eyes and turned my body around to find Shay standing in the foyer.

I did not think I would see her back in this house any time soon. I thought I would have to drag her back home. After Logan and Marie told me how angry Shay was I was sure she would never talk to me unless I forced her. But there she was standing in front of us and she didn't look angry or hurt. She look content which was strange for Shay.

Shay looked around the kitchen and the living room on the other side of her, "there's boxes everywhere," she questioned.

I was suppose to be in New York next week so to past some time and take my mind of Shay I would pack a couple of things. Most of the boxes she was looking at were empty because I could not figure out what to pack or leave. Shay was consistently on my mind no matter how hard I tried to concentrate on something else.

"They are empty," I explained.

I wanted to hug her but I was afraid she would run. I did not want to make her feel uncomfortable. I staid in one spot and stared.

"I should go," Logan said as he gather his stuff.

"You can stay," Shay said calmly.

Shay was actually calm, that was not like her. I've never seen Shay that calm.

"What did you attend an anger-management course while you were gone," Logan joke but I was hoping Shay did not take his joke personally.

Shay laughed then said, "Very funny."

She actually laughed and it wasn't a fake laugh. I did not know how to handle my wife's behavior. I'm use to scream and hitting. This Shay I wasn't sure how to react to. I was terrified of this Shay. She was way too calm so I was sure she had divorce papers signed and ready.

"I should really go," Logan said as he walked toward Shay. "I'm sorry about everything," Logan added once he was face to face with Shay.

"We'll talk about it later," Shay smiled.

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